The population of the Philippines has been consistently growing over the years. In the figures based on the Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA)’s site, the Philippine population rose from 88.55 million (Aug 2007) to 92.34 million (May 2010).

In 2009, the World Bank issued a statement that predicted that among the Southeast Asian nations, the Philippines will have the highest Population growth. Indonesia would then come next and then followed by Vietnam. These population predictions were based on a population count that incudes all residents without considering legal status or citizenship, except for refugees who are only temporarily settled.

In 2014, the Philippines is named as the 12th most populated country in the world, right next to Mexico and Ethiopia, with a consistent annual growth rate of 1.89%.

Using this projected annual growth of 1.89%, we get an estimate population of 98,734,798 for 2013 and a population of roughly 100.6 million in 2014.

In the data taken from October 2014, the Philippines has an Employment Rate of 94.0%, leaving the remaining 6.0% of Filipinos unemployed. About 18.7% of Filipinos are also considered to be Underemployed. The 2012 data also notes that the average family income for Filipinos is approximately 235, 000 pesos.

Quezon City is noted to be the most populated city with a total population count of 2,679,450 individuals. The overall Metropolitan Manila area totals to a population count of 11,553,427 people. Outside the boundaries of Metro Manila, the other urban areas comprise around a quarter of the Philippine population, which is about 25 million people. Other heavily populated cities in the Philippines include Metro Manila (1,660,714 people), Caloocan (1,378,856 people), and Davao City (1,363,337 people).

The Philippines is a country composed of 7, 107 islands and is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups. Based on the latest data from the 2000 census the Tagalogs have the highest population count at 28.1%, followed by the Cebuanos at 13.1%, and then, the Ilocanos (9%), Bisayas (7.6%), Hiligaynons (7.5%), Bikolanos (6%), Warays (3.4%), and Others at 25.3%.

The Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are estimated to be around 10 million in total. This number is composed of those who are working abroad and those who have migrated to stay.

Around 50.082% of Filipinos are male and staying close are the 49.918% of females.

In 2014, the PSA declared that the Philippine population would continue to inflate to about 142 million in 2045. This number is based on the latest 2010 Census-based population projections. This means that around 50 million people would be born and thus added in the Philippine population within 35 years.

The issue of reproductive health and the use of contraceptives has long been a struggle to the conservative Filipinos. The Roman Catholic Church, which is one of the most respected institutions in the Philippines is clearly against the reproductive health bill.

Yet finally, after 13 years, the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, or more popularly known, as the RH Law, has finally passed in senate in April 2013. The Justices acknowledged the RH Law as population control measure, which is aimed to reduce the number of births in the country. What the new RH Law offered is to make contraception a public health service wherein the government is to give free contraceptives, offer training in birth control to public health officers, and to teach sex education in schools.

This is a huge leap for the Philippine’s efforts in protecting its women and at the same time control its booming population. | Population of the Philippines