hello win2win,

i cant get a new passport now. i just received my nullification (divorce) papers and knowing Philippines processing, it would take me 2 months to have a new passport! huhuhu. Our wedding is set to be on April 12, 2008 already. His mum has been waiting to meet me since October.

How much money should I have in my bank account to prove that i can support my self there for 2 weeks only?

"As Pete says, the vast majority, over 95% of tourist visas are denied, but it's only money" win2win, what do you mean by, "it's only money?"

to Bridget, i can't apply for a fiancee visa since we are getting married here in manila by APril 2008.

Bridget, please, what exactly did you do when you applied for a tourist visa? did your boyfriend sponsored everything? did you include all the evidences that you are real boyfriends like photos, chats, emails, etc?

please do help me guys. i need help.
