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Thread: George Bush Rant No: 153,286

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    George Bush Rant No: 153,286

    Did anyone hear his speech yesterday

    He was going on that Iran are the force of all evil and will be responsible for WW3, and the millions that will die

    I may be wrong here, but Iran haven't invaded anyone for over 200 years many countries have the Yanks invaded in that time .....and forgetting the little fact that they are actually occupiers of North America.

    Iran want a powre plant, the Russians are helping them, and the UN are giving free advice on safety to them. It is only the Yanks spouting off.

    I have nothing against Iran having nukes, they need them to protect from the US who want the oil.

    Pakistan have them, and they are run by a rogue military ruler.

    Israel have them, and their government are just a bunch of terrorists crushing the countires around them just because they can.

    George - You are a ......and the majority of your people think the same.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    The country that lectured the european nations for invading and occupying countries who forgot they have done the same in more than one country particulary one which a few on here might know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The yanks like to lecture other nations on "Human Rights" and crimes against humanity....

    They seem to have a short memory.....

    What about the genocide of The American Indian over the course of the last couple of centuries...???

    The vast majority still live in poor unsanitary conditions, in reservations.
    The alcoholism and drugs abuse amongst the youth are rampant...
    The once proud people, that roamed free and unhindered across thousands of miles of prairie, is now at the bottom rung of the American dream ladder, with very few rights and a lot of obbligations....
    In "Their", by rights, own country they find themselves as "non-people".

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Can't wait to go to Phoenix to see all the real US history of the tribes with my own eyes
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Can't wait to go to Phoenix to see all the real US history of the tribes with my own eyes
    Been there and visited two reservations in one....

    The Hopi indians live in a plot in the middle of the massive Navajo reservation.

    Try to get out of the touristy bits, and veer off the beaten track to the real desolated conditions the redskins are forced to live in...
    American dream.....=..... Out of sight, out of mind...

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Trust me.....I'll be so off the beaten track.....even GPS won't find me
    Keith - Administrator

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