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Thread: Questions regarding Spouse Visa

  1. #1
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    Questions regarding Spouse Visa

    Hi Guys,

    My wife and I are planning on applying for a Spouse Visa this March.

    I am British and she is Filipino. We married in Singapore last September when I was working there. I have since returned to the UK and started working for a new company this month.

    Now I understand they want to see earnings for the last 6 months minimum. Before I left Singapore, I had closed my bank account - as I am not returning there - and forgot to get a copy of my Bank Statements before closing it. I do have a copy of my Tax Return which shows how much money I earned in the last 12 months while in Singapore and it's over the £18.6k minimum that they require. Now my new salary is 28k per year. Will this be ok if I provide the Tax Return and show my new Contract, Payslips and Bank Statements since I have started working in the UK again?

    While we were living in Singapore, I was supporting both of us on my salary which was less than I am now on back here in the UK.

    Since we are married, do we need to provide things like chat logs etc? She has the Marriage Certificate from Singapore and the Notice of Marriage that we filed with the Embassy in Singapore, and that they then send off to Manila for processing. Will she need to have a copy of the Report from the NSO to go along with the Marriage Certificate when submitting the application.

    She would like to use an Agency to help with the application. I don't suppose anyone can recommend any in UK and Philippines which are good and trustworthy?

    That's all I can think of at the moment. If I do think of any more, I will ask.


  2. #2
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Normally Terpe is the best guy to answer your queries, but for some reason your post is not appearing in New Posts, so hopefully this will bring your post up, good luck.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by gareth View Post
    She would like to use an Agency to help with the application. I don't suppose anyone can recommend any in UK and Philippines which are good and trustworthy?

    They're mostly cowboys, spivs and rip off merchants Gareth you are better off reading the mine of information given under this topic

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    You would have to provide chat logs and other means of communications to prove that you both are in genuine relationship and have constant communication especially while being away from each other. Photos and cards/gifts (photos of gifts would do) will also be a big help. Provide as much as you can that will prove everything is real.

    Others can give you advice on the financial situation you asked.

    We don't usually advice going thru an agency with regards to processing the application. First, it will not be a guarantee of getting a successful visa. Second, you & your wife will still have to gather the documents yourselves and the agency will only collate it. Third, it's actually expensive. Most here did all the processing themselves and most are successful. But if you think your situation is complicated and really need a professional to look into it, and not worried about shouldering the cost of it, then get an accredited agency that will help you. Others might give you some contacts of the ones they know are really good and won't just ask for money money money.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  5. #5
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    Hi gareth, welcome aboard Filipino UK

    Have you reviewed the UKVI Section FM 1.7: Financial Requirement ?

    Here's the link

    If you look under the section 3.4. Evidential flexibility then you'll see the extent of discretion allowed for those evidential documents you just cannot secure for some reason.

    However, having said that UKVI will be expecting compliance in the key principles.

    In your circumstances you would have 2 main options for a simple clean approach:-

    1. Try to put together a good set of supporting documents under Financial Category B application.

    2. Wait until you have secured 6 months payslips from your new UK employment before submitting an application.

    Does your wife already have an passing grade English Language Test certificate from the UKVI approved listing ?
    Does your wife have her TB clearance certificate?

    We'll do what we can to help but if you feel you can't give the time and attention needed, or if you have some genuine weaknesses or complications then by all means get some professional help.

    My only advice would be do not engage any agent from Philippines.

    Be sure to only engage an OISC regulated advisor fro UK.
    Be sure they are an OISC level 3 - Advocacy and representation.
    Only advisers regulated at Level 3 are allowed to represent clients at appeal hearings before an Immigration Judge. This could prove to be invaluable.

  6. #6
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Gareth
    Good luck on your immigration journey which many here have traveled .
    Please heed the advice about using a Philippine agency to help as they are a waste of time and money as I found out when my wife started her journey.
    There's loads of help available here completely free of charge.
    Good luck

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