This is where the whole Welfare State System is used and abused! The Welfare State should be renamed 'The Wealthfare State'. Put in simple terms, if you can afford to pay, then you should pay. The Welfare State was - and is - meant to be a safety net for people who are unable to pay for Health Care that is needed, Housing costs that are needed, and Day to Day Living Costs. I am not picking on Katie Price - who knows how to look after herself - though I dislike her as a person. She is good at flaunting what she has, and what she has added to her natural self.
There needs to be a basic assessment of a person's Income and Wealth. If they don't meet the minimum requirement, then help should be available. But if they do - as in the Katie Price/Dwight Yorke instance - then it's totally abusing the system. And if it's a loophole, then it needs to be closed as soon as possible, so that help goes to people who really deserve it and NOT to Millionairesses who are on another jolly earning a few hundred Grand just for being live onscreen and flaunting their lifestyles. I wonder who is paying for her Childcare costs while she is on TV and away from home? I have no doubts she is claiming any Government help that's available in this instance also..![]()
As for Nick Clegg well, a few years ago, I was of a mind he might make a more than useful politician. However, I have to say now, I was wrong in my belief. He is out to do nothing more than feather his own nest, and the sooner he is replaced as Lib Dem leader, the sooner the Lib Dems will become a creditable political force. Although, with the rise of UKIP, I very much doubt that will happen, as UKIP are seen as the only party who opposes the EU and offer a way out of mass immigration that has seen the UK lose its National Identity.