I have said it before, be they Conservative, Lib Dem or Labour, Most Politicians are in it for what they can get out of it for themselves. They
don't represent you or I, they represent "The Self Party". As proof, you only need to look at what Salary Increases they vote for themselves as MPs. It's 11%, whilst Joe public has to put up with a mere 1% rise - if indeed any at all.
It was alleged Cherie Blair, whilst PM's wife, was raking in Thousands from her Consultative work, so we should not be at all surprised to find Cameron's wife doing the same thing. What
would be surprising is, if she didn't.
It is
wrong for a Company to earn their profits in this Country, yet be allowed to avoid paying Millions in Taxes simply by relocating its HQ to another Country. But surely in Cameron's case, there is a conflict of interests here; on the one hand, she is the PM's wife, whilst on the other, she is offering a Consultancy service to a Tax-Avoiding Company.
Jeez! If you or I forget to declare a small job we've done with a value of a hundred pounds or so, we are treated like criminals. Yet, here we are with yet another BIG Company legally avoiding paying Tax. It's all wrong and none of the main parties will close the loopholes, because their fingers are also in the same Pie. Grrrrrrrrrrr ... and they reckon Philippine Politicians are corrupt? Ours are NO different.