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Thread: Drinking water

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Drinking water

    Has anyone else noticed this?

    On our last trip to the Philippines, I did try to be careful about what I ate - and also what I drank too.

    I made sure everything was cooked, hot and clean. The water was always bought cold from a shop and the soft drinks, ie, Sprite mostly - there was a lot of this - was also brought from the shops.

    But I did notice that once you opened the bottle of water, you heard the click of the plastic breaking then the water was so full it always came over the top.

    Do you think these bottles are being refilled and then sold on as new? It was too late once you'd opened the bottle to check to see if it was new.

    Am I going mad, I wonder? or just nothing else to do.

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    You can tell the difference between a refilled bottle and a new one.

    The refills are supposed to be good, purified water, but I wouldn't trust that.

    The seal on a refill is more like tape you get on large bottles of purified you buy for a dispenser at home, in the Phils. By the way, my doctor said the filtered water is safe, so good to have if you're staying a long time in Phils (saves a lot of peso). A refill costs us 15 peso. Of course, the first time you need to buy a dispenser and the bottle itself.

    This water I can drink, use for cooking etc. Do NOT use tap water for cooking. My doc says no matter how many times the tap water is boiled, it will still be unsafe.

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Nothing is impossible Steve, but even if they were refilled, it would be from purified water. ..That's my guess.

    When they make purified water, the first thing they do is pump the water from a well into a large storage tank. Then they add chlorine - which kills all the baddies.. The 24 different processes remove solids and chemicals, so all you are left with is completely stripped water with no minerals or anything else in it!
    We have been drinking this stuff for nearly 10 years with no issues..

    Back in the 80s, people used to drink tap water.. Typhoid fever was rife back then - especially in Manila.

    These days it's not nearly as common.

  4. #4
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    Our tap water here in Davao City is from Dumoy aquifer Toril.
    It's alleged to be one of the cleanest waters anywhere in the world. I have no idea whether that true or not. I can however say it's usually very clear and odorless and it's always very very cold. Beautiful for shower and tabo
    I'm very sensitive to tap water anywhere so as usual I've never tried drinking Davao water and I never will.
    Judging by it's slightly cloudy appearance from time to time I'm glad I didn't follow advice from everyone else living here. I don't trust any tap water here in the Philippines. Not for drinking, brushing teeth, washing salad, making ice or anything that goes in my body. I even keep my lips tightly shut when showering.

    We drink purified dumoy water however which we buy in large bottles at P35 each. I think 5 gallons
    No problems at all so far with that. I drink about a gallon a day on average.

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    We drink purified dumoy water however which we buy in large bottles at P35 each. I think 5 gallons
    I feel really bad about this...I only pay 15.00!!
    Don't you hate it when people do that!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I feel really bad about this...I only pay 15.00!!
    Don't you hate it when people do that!!
    I'll check the bottle size Fred but I'm sure ours is 5 gallons.

    Anyway yours isn't dumoy

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    35 peso is far too much! I get it for 15 peso, some places are top price at 20 peso.

    Maybe you should check out other suppliers, or maybe your price is with delivery?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    35 peso is far too much! I get it for 15 peso, some places are top price at 20 peso.

    Maybe you should check out other suppliers, or maybe your price is with delivery?
    Yep. Delivered.
    There is some cheaper water and there is some more expensive. We just like the one we get.
    Phone up for another couple of bottles and it arrives within 30 mins.
    I'm happy
    Within 15 minutes walk we have the Davao Dumoy water and ice place and a huge Coca-Cola place.
    Not that we drink coke at all.
    I'm still sticking with healthy beer

  9. #9
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Yep. Delivered.
    There is some cheaper water and there is some more expensive. We just like the one we get.
    Phone up for another couple of bottles and it arrives within 30 mins.
    I'm happy
    Within 15 minutes walk we have the Davao Dumoy water and ice place and a huge Coca-Cola place.
    Not that we drink coke at all.
    I'm still sticking with healthy beer
    I like my Coke throughout the day while I'm working. Then, occasionally in the evening, Irish coffee with red label, or sometimes straight - especially if video karoke is on! Also, I like Bacardi.

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I'll check the bottle size Fred but I'm sure ours is 5 gallons.

    Anyway yours isn't dumoy
    5 Gallon is standard for our dispenser... Mind you we pick up 50 gallons at a time.
    Have to say though..The tourist areas of our island do charge 35 delivered.

  11. #11
    Respected Member proudMummy's Avatar
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    I think the 35 pesos is standard in Davao City. I also used to pay the same or 3 for 100 pesos.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    The 5-gallon containers are safe Peter. Tap water is a no no - contains too much Chlorine. Maritess' sister topped up the aquarium in her mum's house with tap water and all the fish died! The fish were many years old and very happy previous to sampling tap water!

  13. #13
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I feel really bad about this...I only pay 15.00!!
    Don't you hate it when people do that!!
    Bottled municipal tap water!
    I wonder how many of these water refilling stations would pass some sort of regular testing. The handling practices in these places are not closely monitored from what i have seen.

    We use Wilkins "Safe for the whole family" they reckon.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Always drank tap water (corporation pop) in Davao, I remember in India they used to refill bisleri water bottles from the tap and re-sell them as spring water, loads of Delhi belly

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