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Thread: Visa4uk - question - Dependent Children

  1. #1
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    Visa4uk - question - Dependent Children

    Hi, guys. My wife and I, are now at the stage where we can submit our visa4uk application online in the next week or so, but there is a question which is a bit confusing and we cannot find any answers or guidance notes about it..

    In the family section where you ADD the detail of your dependent children, there's a section at the bottom of the page, which says. country, then a drop down box where you select the country and a small guidance note to the side, 'Country deported from? None of the my children have been deported from any country as they are only babies. What does that mean, does it mean what country they are leaving? This question is not a mandatory question, should I just leave it blank? It's a bit confusing!


  2. #2
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    I emailed the UKVI Enquiry email, yesterday and got a reply for the above....

    "please be advised we have a technical issue on the web site, please consider DEPARTED FROM and not deported"


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
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    Technical issue? website run on the cheap from the sub-continent more like

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