Thank you Fred for your reply. It's really very much appreciated.
I'll take serious note of all your hints.

Our regular handy-man tried to sell me his motorbike for P8k as he needed money for his son's college. Anyway I turned the offer down as I thought it wouldn't be good.

Yesterday, I saw him driving around with his son the back......well you could have knocked me down with a feather. It was really quite nice and sounded great. Looked to be much bigger than the bikes you regulary see buzzing around. Massive rear tyre.

I sent him a text this morning asking if he still wants to sell. He said he already managed to get hold of the tuition fees for now but he'll contact me again in a couple of weeks.

My wife's not happy about me driving around a motorbike, but when she saw the bike she also had a slight change of mind.

A friend of my wife has a Suzuki multi-cab for sale.
Double cab nice respray 600cc engine.
I joked about me being a jeepney driver part time......didn't go down well.
Not my type of vehicle really

Thanks again for your help