Another vehicle I`m interested in buying is a 250cc 3 wheel motorbike with a trailer that comes built in a number of configurations..The best one has two 3 seaters with a roof and cover for driver..
The bike also has reverse gear! They cost about 100k. Very economical and look safe.
I notice a few foreigners driving them around as well as Filipino`s with just the box trailer delivering I`d say 25 bottles of purified water.
Very economical to run I`d say.
Think again about that Motorbike if I were you Peter..I cant stress that enough..
A mate from Alaska was the last to have an accident..A dog ran into his path and he and his wife went over the handle bars. He lived but his hospital bill was 500K. It was his second accident.
Our other friend,indicated left and turned as the bike behind him overtook him.. Both drivers were killed.
You just cant prepare for how stupid they drive here or how badly educated pedestrians are and if its not them its Dogs,cats,chickens,goats or cows!