Often we have threads and posts about politics, religion, terrorists and of course about Muslim extremists in Britain and other countries.
I think Brits in general, often because of the bad ones, do often tar all with the same brush. Yes, it seems the Muslim Pakistanis in UK are frequently accused of not integrating themselves into the British lifestyle.
Well, when I read all our posts about such things, I often think back to this little true story, starring me.
Some years back - I think I would have been about 32 yrs old at the time - my motor was off the road this particular day, and I needed some 2x 2s and some beading.
So off I went to catch the bus into town to the DIY store, sun shining and quite a hot day.
When I came out of the store, my plan was to walk home carrying the beading and 2 lengths of 2x2.
The sun had gone down, the weather became cloudy and it began to rain, so I stopped walking when I reached the bus stop, and waited for the bus to come. Then the heavens opened as the rain came down very heavily (like a typhoon in Phils). In no time at all, I was soaked to the skin. The bus came, I got on, sat somewhere in the middle and laid the wood down in the aisle. I was so wet, the water ran off me onto the seat, my hair was soaking wet and water was running down my face and neck. I reached into the pockets of my jacket, then my jeans, to find tissue to try and dry my head and stop the water running down my face into my eyes etc. But everything in my pockets was also soaking wet.
I can still picture it now, I was seated on the right hand side of the bus. Just a few rows nearer the front of the bus in the seats to the left, a Pakistani Muslim woman turned her head and looked at me. She then stood up, and headed towards me, at the same time reaching into her bag. To my surprise, she pulled out about 6 large paper kitchen towels, smiled at me holding the towels in her hand as she stretched toward me, nodded and offered them to me. Gratefully, I accepted them from her, smiled back and said thank you.
That Pakistani Muslim lady was my heroine that day.![]()