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Thread: Spouse Vsa - flight tickets and money remittance documents

  1. #1
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    Spouse Vsa - flight tickets and money remittance documents

    Hi, I am just about to post my visa spouse document checklist on the forum for checking, but before I do, something has been bugging me for a while....

    How many Western Union/Azimo money remittances should I include in my documents when my wife presents them to VFS? They date from 06/11 and money is sent to my wife 2 times a month.

    Also, how many flight tickets and boarding passes? I have had 16 flights since 06/11.



  2. #2
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    The more the better. I remember when I applied for mine I sent all the remittance receipts covering 2 years and all our flight tickets and boarding passes....remember you need to prove your relationship to them so don't give them any windows of doubt
    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart

  3. #3
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    "Better to submit too much rather than too little".

    Actually, it's not.
    It's better to submit the most succinct body of evidence you can. Submitting a lot of repetitive and unnecessary documents potentially only complicates things. The ECO and Caseworker will need to sift through a lot of paperwork that just won't be considered. The risk being that when under time pressures such a process may cause something important being overlooked.

    Consideration of whether a relationship is genuine and subsisting is not a checklist or tick-box exercise.
    There isn't a definitive list of documentary evidence required and caseworkers have discretion to grant or refuse an application based on their overall assessment of the submitted evidence.

    The important factor is to submit enough to prove the point.
    UKVI is looking to see that the relationship is Annex FM Section FM 2.0 Genuine and Subsisting Relationship. Worth taking the time to follow that link.

    Typically you should include:-
    Proof of regular and frequent contact (photos,e-mails,text messages,chat logs,leters greetings cards,boarding passes,letters, greeting cards,telephone records etc.)
    Records showing any financial support/joint responsibilities
    Children of the relationship and their support.
    Plans concerning the practicalities of the couple living together in the UK

    There's no need to submit everything. Just spread key evidence over a period of time.

    At the end of the day it's a personal choice.
    If you submit 20kg of evidence and the visa is granted you'll be convinced you did the right thing. Rather than the visa was granted despite such a lot of paperwork.

    Be selective.

  4. #4
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    thanks terpe and leen for your input.....I think I have got the "Genuine and Subsisting Relationship" covered.. but if there something miss, let me know.

    genuine and subsisting relationship.

    Apartment contract of lease (in joint names)
    Cebu pacific flight ticket(joint names)
    hotel bookings Thailand(joint names)
    Hotel booking confirmation intercontinental manila
    Hotel booking boracay (joint names)
    Pictures dated x25 (wedding, christenings, kids birthdays,)
    Cards (Christmas, birthday, valentines)
    Postal receipt(sent from uk)
    embassy appointments booking(joint names)
    flight tickets and boarding passes
    money transfer receipts (western union, azimo)
    philhealth letter (all family names and address listed)
    email screen shots
    viper, imessage and facetime print outs
    2 children uk/nso birth certificate's

    yes have read the link and printed off over a year go, but keep on check it for updates,

    as for the western union and azimo receipt , I guess I will have pick a random selection as I don't want to submit a 3" folder full of them.....and submit all the 16 flight ticket and board passes.


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