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Thread: Don't deport my Thai wife!' Plymouth husband's immigration plea as Valentine's Day deadline looms

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Don't deport my Thai wife!' Plymouth husband's immigration plea as Valentine's Day deadline looms

    She has been here since 2008 she must not have been able to pass the Life in UK Test

    Read more here ....

  2. #2
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    Rules are rules, get off at Reading for the coach to Heathrow

  3. #3
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    They have my sympathy.
    The rules around the English Language Test were thrown into chaos and UKVI did nothing to explain and clarify. In fact their inaction caused lots of heartache and expense to many.

    We have all sorts of stories on here about which way to go or not.

    She's here already, she's genuine. If UKVI did not so far give her a chance to secure the correct English Language Test certificate what's wrong with doing that now.

    My 2 centavos worth

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    The rules STINK for everyone

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    They have my sympathy.
    The rules around the English Language Test were thrown into chaos and UKVI did nothing to explain and clarify. In fact their inaction caused lots of heartache and expense to many.

    We have all sorts of stories on here about which way to go or not.

    She's here already, she's genuine. If UKVI did not so far give her a chance to secure the correct English Language Test certificate whats wrong with doing that now.

    My 2 centavos worth

    I agree and think its very sad.
    Do Eastern European EU people need to have a good standard of English to enter and live in the UK??

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Rules are rules, get off at Reading for the coach to Heathrow
    The rules suck.

  7. #7
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    They have my sympathy.
    The rules around the English Language Test were thrown into chaos and UKVI did nothing to explain and clarify. In fact their inaction caused lots of heartache and expense to lots.

    We have all sorts of stories on here about which way to go or not.

    She's here already, she's genuine. If UKVI did not so far give her a chance to secure the correct English Language Test certificate whats wrong with doing that now.

    My 2 centavos worth
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    She's here already, she's genuine. If UKVI did not so far give her a chance to secure the correct English Language Test certificate what's wrong with doing that now.

    My 2 centavos worth
    Make that 3 centavos worth ... with you, Peter!

  9. #9
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I agree too - she is working and paying tax and NI. Give them a break. I would say give her a limited time to pass the English Test and job done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I agree too - she is working and paying tax and NI. Give them a break. I would say give her a limited time to pass the English Test and job done.
    She's had the last 7 years though

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    She's had the last 7 years though
    That's a bit unfair Ded, we don't know the whole story or the immigration/visa history.
    Don't forget those English tests didn't appear in the rules for entry until November 2010

    There's been numerous changes since then, including a higher B1 level for settlement.

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    What I would like to know is, are the non-European partners of non-British EU nationals (who bring theirs to the UK - without so much as paying a penny!) - required to take these infernal English Language Tests at ANY stage in their immigration journey? Because, if not ... then

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    What I would like to know is, are the non-European partners of non-British EU nationals (who bring theirs to the UK - without so much as paying a penny!) - required to take these infernal English Language Tests at ANY stage in their immigration journey? Because, if not ... then
    Like I said before Art..THE RULES SUCK!
    Anyone with half a brain would realize that, apart from Politicians..
    What am I saying!!

  14. #14
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    That's a bit unfair Ded, we don't know the whole story or the immigration/visa history.
    Don't forget those English tests didn't appear in the rules for entry until November 2010

    There's been numerous changes since then, including a higher B1 level for settlement.
    I think they call that tunnel vision.. I would expect someone like Gwapito to come out with a staement like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    That's a bit unfair Ded, we don't know the whole story or the immigration/visa history.
    Don't forget those English tests didn't appear in the rules for entry until November 2010

    There's been numerous changes since then, including a higher B1 level for settlement.
    We need rules to control non EU immigration unfortunately many genuine applicants are now paying the price because these requirements had to be strengthened due to decades of abuse by fraudsters & con artists predominantly from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent

  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    We need rules to control non EU immigration unfortunately many genuine applicants are now paying the price because these requirements had to be strengthened due to decades of abuse by fraudsters & con artists predominantly from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent
    But at the detriment of normal hard working, honorable and gullible Brits..
    I get your point!
    Fortunately for me I didn't have to put up with the BS rules in my time.
    If I had, you lot would have seen me in the national papers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    But at the detriment of normal hard working, honorable and gullible Brits..
    I get your point!
    Fortunately for me I didn't have to put up with the BS rules in my time.
    If I had,you lot would have seen me in the national papers.
    As we all know Fred many of the rodents participating in the decades of duplicity are also abusing their British Citizenship

  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    As we all know Fred many of the rodents participating in the decades of duplicity are also abusing their British Citizenship
    Yep..But those particular words or people didn't include me or my ilk back then in the day.
    Why should it now?
    Let's be straight about this.
    What gave me the right to bring my loved one to the UK back then but deny other Brits the right to do the same now?
    Explain that please.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Yep..But those particular words or people didn't include me or my ilk back then in the day.
    Why should it now?
    Let's be straight about this.
    What gave me the right to bring my loved one to the UK back then but deny other Brits the right to do the same now?
    Explain that please.
    That is the decision our elected rulers have taken Fred. I personally would have favoured things angling towards severe sanctions being imposed on those abusing the system - jail, asset seizure etc. Remember your day was before Labour decided, without consulting the indigenous population, to open the floodgates and create a multicultural shithole full of voters beholden to them.

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    That is the decision our elected rulers have taken Fred. I personally would have favoured things angling towards severe sanctions being imposed on those abusing the system - jail, asset seizure etc. Remember your day was before Labour decided, without consulting the indigenous population, to open the floodgates and create a multicultural shithole full of voters beholden to them.
    No doubt about it..It`s a mess..
    I doubt that any of us had any clue what we were voting for to be honest in those days.
    I knew a little information from what my grandfather explained to me about how we were sold the Common Market story/theory by politicians at the time etc back then, but I doubt any of them could have foretold us of the disastrous decision in regards us joining the EU.

    Most of the sanctions you describe now would never have applied to the majority of us quiet and peaceful, loving Brits back then, with no wish other than to be joined with our beloved partners.

    Do you see my point?
    What can be done?

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Thai woman 'preparing to leave UK' after losing immigration battle

    Read more here .....

  22. #22
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    I am trying to keep out of the political debate. As many of you know, I believe the Party Political system is outdated.

    What I will say is these Political parties try to score points off each other by making promises most of us know they can't or won't keep. I see people on here bringing up politics at almost every opportunity. The political parties are all as bad as each other. I see Labour being blamed for opening the flood gates for immigration. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't most immigrants nowadays from the EU? if my memory serves me right.

    Let me refresh your memories; it was the Conservative Party in 1973 - led by Ted Heath - who signed the UK up to Europe. In 1975, Labour held a referendum on "IN" or OUT, and the majority voted to stay in.

    In 1987, the Single European Act was signed (by a Conservative Government led by Mrs T). One of the policies was free movement of goods and PERSONS, and the UK decided NOT to opt out. So where this idea that it's Labour who opened the flood gates come from? I have NO idea, as it seems to me that, when most of the major EU decisions have been made it's been the Conservatives who have been in government (Ted, Maggie, Major and Blair) with both parties having the occasional opt out when it suited them.

    My whole point in this, is why should genuine people - such as this couple appear to be - and many others on here, have unrealistic and unfair immigration rules foisted upon them as opposed to people born in the EU who often don't even speak more than a word or two of English? Or put another way, why should British Nationals be forced to consider having to emigrate just because they want to be with their loved ones? It's ALL totally wrong, and unfair - and just because the political parties want to find favour with a few more voters.

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Labour didn't open the flood gates. That started when we joined the Common Market. What Labour was guilty of - at that time - was not making Poles and citizens of other EU countries wait the maximum of 7 years before they could freely come to the UK, thou they learnt from this and made the Romanians and Bulgarians wait the maximum of 7yrs.

    Labour brought in 'The Life in UK Test' but the Tories brought in the English tests and the minimum financial requirements.

    It is wrong and unfair. A British Citizen should have a legal right to bring their spouse to the UK as long as they are not a danger to this country.

  24. #24
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    And I if were her husband, she wouldn't be going anywhere! Let them serve her with a deportation notice, where she will be given the right to appeal. Get the press and media around, and see what happens then.

  25. #25
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post

    My whole point in this, is why should genuine people - such as this couple appear to be - and many others on here, have unrealistic and unfair immigration rules foisted upon them as opposed to people born in the EU who often don't even speak more than a word or two of English? Or put another way, why should British Nationals be forced to consider having to emigrate just because they want to be with their loved ones? It's ALL totally wrong, and unfair - and just because the political parties want to find favour with a few more voters.
    s it in a nutshell ... couldn't agree more! 's, Harry.

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    From that article:-

    She has since taken the ‘correct’ exam, but the Home Office has refused to change its original decision......

    A spokesman for qualification provider NOCN said Mrs Doidge completed an Entry 1 Functional Skills test, which is not recognised by Home Office requirements for UK citizenship.

    Not clear what visa she actually holds

    The article intimates she was going for Citizenship (maybe they mean ILR ??)

  27. #27
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    I am trying to keep out of the political debate. As many of you know, I believe the Party Political system is outdated.

    What I will say is these Political parties try to score points off each other by making promises most of us know they can't or won't keep. I see people on here bringing up politics at almost every opportunity. The political parties are all as bad as each other. I see Labour being blamed for opening the flood gates for immigration. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't most immigrants nowadays from the EU? if my memory serves me right.

    Let me refresh your memories; it was the Conservative Party in 1973 - led by Ted Heath - who signed the UK up to Europe. In 1975, Labour held a referendum on "IN" or OUT, and the majority voted to stay in.

    In 1987, the Single European Act was signed (by a Conservative Government led by Mrs T). One of the policies was free movement of goods and PERSONS, and the UK decided NOT to opt out. So where this idea that it's Labour who opened the flood gates come from? I have NO idea, as it seems to me that, when most of the major EU decisions have been made it's been the Conservatives who have been in government (Ted, Maggie, Major and Blair) with both parties having the occasional opt out when it suited them.

    My whole point in this, is why should genuine people - such as this couple appear to be - and many others on here, have unrealistic and unfair immigration rules foisted upon them as opposed to people born in the EU who often don't even speak more than a word or two of English? Or put another way, why should British Nationals be forced to consider having to emigrate just because they want to be with their loved ones? It's ALL totally wrong, and unfair - and just because the political parties want to find favour with a few more voters.
    Agree, agree, AGREE!!!

  28. #28
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    From that article:-

    Not clear what visa she actually holds

    The article intimates she was going for Citizenship (maybe they mean ILR ??)
    Well it states she lived with him in Plymouth since 2008. If she had a settlement visa then she could have applied for ILR sometime in 2010. Obviously she couldn't have or she wouldn't be in this mess, so maybe she couldn't pass 'The Life in UK Test' and applied for FLR in 2010, got that for 2 yrs and the same again in 2012 (but just before the English Language Test was required). That would take her to 2014 and she's now in trouble because she has taken the wrong English Language test or maybe she couldn't pass it before.

    Or maybe she was on a 5-yr Work Permit. Can't see that thou' seeing they've been married 7 yrs.

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    If only newspapers would stick with the facts

    Then I guess there wouldn't be so many sales to those folks who enjoy tsismis

  30. #30
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    I am trying to keep out of the political debate. As many of you know, I believe the Party Political system is outdated.

    What I will say is these Political parties try to score points off each other by making promises most of us know they can't or won't keep. I see people on here bringing up politics at almost every opportunity. The political parties are all as bad as each other. I see Labour being blamed for opening the flood gates for immigration. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't most immigrants nowadays from the EU? if my memory serves me right.

    Let me refresh your memories; it was the Conservative Party in 1973 - led by Ted Heath - who signed the UK up to Europe. In 1975, Labour held a referendum on "IN" or OUT, and the majority voted to stay in.

    In 1987, the Single European Act was signed (by a Conservative Government led by Mrs T). One of the policies was free movement of goods and PERSONS, and the UK decided NOT to opt out. So where this idea that it's Labour who opened the flood gates come from? I have NO idea, as it seems to me that, when most of the major EU decisions have been made it's been the Conservatives who have been in government (Ted, Maggie, Major and Blair) with both parties having the occasional opt out when it suited them.

    My whole point in this, is why should genuine people - such as this couple appear to be - and many others on here, have unrealistic and unfair immigration rules foisted upon them as opposed to people born in the EU who often don't even speak more than a word or two of English? Or put another way, why should British Nationals be forced to consider having to emigrate just because they want to be with their loved ones? It's ALL totally wrong, and unfair - and just because the political parties want to find favour with a few more voters.
    Funny how Ded and Simon dont mention these things. .
    Good post Harry very informative.

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