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Thread: Submitting EEA Family Permit Visa application - question about phone records/chat history

  1. #1
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Submitting EEA Family Permit Visa application - question about phone records/chat history

    Hi guys,

    My wife will be submitting her EEA Family Permit Visa application shortly and with it, she will submit our call history, as well as our text message chat history.

    We have had a couple of phone number changes over the last 1.5 years, which is how long we now each other.

    My wife moved back to the Philippines, and I took over her old UK mobile number because there was still about 9 months left on her mobile contract!!

    This also meant that I changed my mobile number once i took over my wife's old UK mobile number.

    Naturally, my wife got a new Filipino mobile number as soon as she arrived in the Philippines.

    As you can see our call history is gonna look messy, since there has been so much movement and changing over of numbers,

    For this reason, do you think it is required for us to get a statement from the mobile network, stating/confirming that these number are actually ours?

    Otherwise, how are the UKVI to know whether or not these numbers are actually ours?


  2. #2
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I don't think you need bother to send call history or text messages... It's really a personal preference. As long as you send some sort off proof you have been keeping in touch.

    Myself and Harlene printed a couple of pages off our facebook messenger chats (leaving out the +18 content ) Also a couple of pages of our skype conversations.... Also we included birthday/valentines/Christmas cards we had sent eachother (Harlene kept the envelopes with the postmarks on them, I didn't think of that!

    I know how anxious I was to include everything but the kitchen sink.... But really it is not necessary to go overboard.

    Good luck with everything... Saw the pictures on your facebook of the wedding. Looks like a great day was had by all.

  3. #3
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    thanks slip, ill keep this in mind. thats a great idea about keeping the envelooe..just sent an email to levin telling her to hold onto ours lol!

    thanks man!

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