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Thread: Which option is best?

  1. #1
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    Which option is best?

    Hi all,

    This is a bit of a long one, but i will try to keep it short...

    My gf lives in the Philippines and is now pregnant with my child Now i would like to bring her back here to the UK. My plan was to:

    - Bring her to the UK on a tourist visa until it is not safe for her to fly (fly home just before) then stay in the PI until the child is born and then bring her over on a fiancée visa before marrying in the UK. The child would be registered as filipino and then i would register the birth at the British embassy too - so the child can have dual nationality.

    Does this sound ok? BTW i meet all the requirements for min income etc

    Is this feasible?

    Or should i take another route such as bringing her over with a fiancée first? (could she use the NHS?) or do i have to marry her first to get the free birth with the NHS?

    If she gives birth here can the child have dual nationality and do i have to pay as i have seen that it cost about £10k for a private birth... which i don't really want to pay if i can get it free on the NHS or if i can pay a lot less in a private hospital in the PI (she works in the private hospital so is trying to work out a price now)

    Any advise would really help...

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    Hi all,

    This is a bit of a long one, but i will try to keep it short...

    My gf lives in the Philippines and is now pregnant with my child Now i would like to bring her back here to the UK. My plan was to:

    - Bring her to the UK on a tourist visa until it is not safe for her to fly (fly home just before) then stay in the PI until the child is born and then bring her over on a fiancée visa before marrying in the UK. The child would be registered as filipino and then i would register the birth at the British embassy too - so the child can have dual nationality.

    Does this sound ok? BTW i meet all the requirements for min income etc

    Is this feasible?

    Or should i take another route such as bringing her over with a fiancée first? (could she use the NHS?) or do i have to marry her first to get the free birth with the NHS?

    If she gives birth here can the child have dual nationality and do i have to pay as i have seen that it cost about £10k for a private birth... which i don't really want to pay if i can get it free on the NHS or if i can pay a lot less in a private hospital in the PI (she works in the private hospital so is trying to work out a price now)

    Any advise would really help...

    Thanks in advance!
    Tourist visas are quite hard to get, not impossible but the onus has to be on the applicant to prove ties back in the Phils amongst other things and with a baby on the way this could persuade the ECO that she would not return home.

    Regarding the fiancee visa then that would definitely be my option if you could not marry in the Phils and obviously with time maybe not on your side so to speak then yes fiancee visa would be my personal choice.

    NHS care would be included for the fiancee/spouse of a british citizen or settled person so she would not have anything tp pay also yes the child can have dual nationality anyway.

    Good Luck...

  3. #3
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    Thanks very much for the feedback... food for thought...

  4. #4
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    I would 2nd Marks suggestion, as he says Tourist visas are not easy to get, ( I know to my cost). go for the easiest way Fiancee visa.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    Or should i take another route such as bringing her over with a fiancée first? (could she use the NHS?) or do i have to marry her first to get the free birth with the NHS?....
    Personally I feel the Fiancee route would be the optimum solution based on the information you've shared.
    Having said that it could pan out to be a tricky one due to timing.
    You'd need to secure the visa and have her fly out to UK before the date of last flying due to pregnancy.

    Also don't forget the condition of a Fiancee Visa is that a marriage will take place with 6 months.

    Basically means you need to finalise your strategy PDQ

    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    ....If she gives birth here can the child have dual nationality and do i have to pay as i have seen that it cost about £10k for a private birth... which i don't really want to pay if i can get it free on the NHS......
    Yes the child can have dual nationality.
    No you don't need to pay as the NHS is free for her as a Fiancee on a settlement route visa.

    Another reason why I suggest having her come as Fiancee and giving birth here is due to the difficulties and long long waiting for a British Passport for the baby if born in Philippines. You'll find many stories here in the forum about that.
    There are advantages to being born here in UK

    Good luck whichever option you choose.
    There are other risky possibilities but with timing so key you'd need a darn good plan implemented immediately.
    If you can avoid having the baby born in the Philippines you'll certainly save on a lot of Red-Tape and emotional issues. IMHO.

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