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Thread: Life in the UK Test - who, why, what, where?

  1. #1
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Life in the UK Test - who, why, what, where?

    Hi all! I arrived UK in June 2013, on spouse visa. I am already registered at the NHS, and my name is on my husband's Council Tax Bill already. I also have National Insurance number and my husband has managed to add my name on his bank account.

    BUT I keep seeing this "Life in the UK" test on threads of those who had recently arrived in UK and went on looking for employment. I am in that situation now. I arrived in June and I took some time to settle in and get used to things. Now, I have been actively applying for jobs since after the New Year and so far has been invited to one job interview, that was yesterday.

    Now my question is regarding this Life in the UK test, do I have to take this test? What is the purpose of this test? What use is this for me or for the UK or for my immigration status/journey? What will be required of me to be allowed to take the test? How to go about it? How long does the process take (preparation/studying and up to getting the result)? When do I need to take it? And where do I apply for this and where do I take the test? Sorry for so many questions. I heard about Life in the UK test before but I thought it was only for people who are in the UK for a long time already, long enough to apply for British citizenship? or maybe I misunderstood. Please enlighten me.

    Thank you very much in advance!

  2. #2
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Yes you need to take the test before getting ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain). The purpose of the test is supposedly to familiarise yourself with British Life and Culture (well that's what the UK government think). Best thing is to get the official books and try some of the tests on the internet to prepare yourself. It's not easy to pass as you need to correctly answer 18 out of 24 questions. This might help answer some of your questions:-

    You have plenty of time to prepare, but it's advisable to get it over with rather than leave it till the last minute. BUT make sure you prepare because most of the questions even us British find difficult to answer.

  3. #3
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Thank you so very much Lordna for taking the time to reply to my questions and for sending the link. I and my husband overlooked some things. I have only been here in the UK for 7 months now, but like what you said better to take it sooner rather than later if I am ready. Will start preparing for this test while I am waiting for my new job to start Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Respected Member Anne2014's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAnn View Post
    Thank you so very much Lordna for taking the time to reply to my questions and for sending the link. I and my husband overlooked some things. I have only been here in the UK for 7 months now, but like what you said, better to take it sooner rather than later if I am ready. Will start preparing for this test while I am waiting for my new job to start Thanks again!
    Hello DAnn. Quite a long road for us, indeed.

    Hope all goes well with your new job.

  5. #5
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anne2014 View Post
    Hello DAnn. Quite a long road for us, indeed.

    Hope all goes well with your new job.
    Thank you, Anne2014! I am excited to get started, but then again, I also need to review for Life in the UK Test. I wish we'd known about the test sooner! So thankful for this forum. Very helpful and informative and lot of helpful people

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