I received this in my email, and I think it should be signed by as many as possible. Please share

Thousands of UK citizens currently living overseas with a non-EU spouse are being prevented from returning to the UK. Since recent immigration reforms enacted in 2012 there are now onerous restrictions on returning to the UK with a non-EU spouse.

Sign up to remove these restrictions on UK citizens returning from abroad with their spouse.

These restrictions prevent UK citizens from returning from abroad with their spouse unless they earn above £18,600 (more if you have children) for at least 6 months or have savings of at least £64,000. It takes between 1 year and 18 months to work, apply for and receive the visa. This time must be spent apart.

These restrictions are also counter to the 'right to respect for private and family life', protected by Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998.
