We are led to believe we are the ones who are tight and we should be there to help because they can't.

"We have an Englishman in our family, we are rich because they are rich and in love with my sister, our daughter, so he will support us."

Like you Peter, I have sensed there is a wedge between myself and certain members, but my Ems thinks kindly of everyone. Maybe it's me, but I know since my saying "NO", there has been a change.

And since the house was stopped being built the way certain people wanted it - again by me - there has been no sign of them.

I see it as their loss not mine!

Time will tell if I have done what I think is right, but I am a long-term planner and I intend to live a good life with those who wants the same thing.
I am being told now i am not kuripot but wise and careful , thats a start