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There's no legally defined income threshold under immigration rules, however it appears that these days most BI offices are loosely basing their proof of income limits on the SRRV requirements which say that a couple should have a combined pension income of at least US$1,000 per month. Those applicants who can't meet the income requirement could still qualify by showing savings of around US$20,000 or more
As a footnote I should say that I've personally never yet seen any report of anyone being refused a 13a solely on monthly financials. Although I don't know how they would react if only very little income could be shown and zero savings etc.
As an aside based solely on my experience so far and considering the lifestyle we have (and want) I wouldn't want to be facing a future retirement life on an income less than $1000. Yes, of course it's possible, and if push came to shove I could do it and live OK. I'm saying for me it's not what I want. I want to travel around, eat and what I want and enjoy a cold beer whenever.
I want to eat out if the mood takes me and I want internet etc etc and not have to count every piso to stay within a tight budget. We're all different.
$1000 is about P44k right.
If you rent a place it's going to be tight.
Even owning your own house with no rent to pay wouldn't give me the life I want.