Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
your picking on me , what i've done

tom i thought was a friend, he use to pm me, usually it was only me and him who were stupid enough to be on here 1 or 2am in the morning , so its sad that someone can not let things go, forget thnigs and move on, a grudge call it what you want, but tom its not worth it. i told you that 1000s times , its time for you to grow.. and show how mature you can be. i know he made friends with a lot of people on here, and they might think he was treated badly, but you need to know the full story and don't ask me, cause i wouldn't want to stab people in the back, unless their scousers
Don't look at me, but I blame Ivor 100% (the "owner" of that other forum) for letting all this nonsense start in the first place. I think that Tom is kind of the unwilling victim in all of this, Tom was just following orders I suppose, I dunno.

I know Tom is a decent enough guy, but like joe says, he can get a bit hyper at times. Good luck Tom in whatever you decide to do in the future, I hope it all works out well with you and Mar.

On the subject of Ivor, he had 5 usernames active on FilipinoUK, yet he was clearly (the evidence is there) dissing us on his forum while posting here. That to me is a no-go, shows he has no morals, and uses people as he sees fit.

Keith's sense of humour may not appeal to everyone, but we all know Keith is genuine and sincere and he does do an excellent job providing this forum and allowing us to share information and exchange ideas and tips about all things Fil-UK.

(Can I have my £5 now Keith )