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Thread: European Championships.....

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Now who should I support Summer 2008?

    Or maybe we give the Croatian team dual English passports, and we support them
    From a betting point of view, you couldn't do much wrong in placing a few hundred quid on Italy to win outright, this time.
    I believe the odds are quite good at the moment.
    In 2004 I waltzed out of William Hill's with a nice wad of change.
    Laid 50 quid when Italy was touch and go at 16/1.
    As usual, in retrospect I wish I had put more money on it, but I remember doing it out of loyalty to my Country rather than being convinced by the players prowess on the field...
    Checking on Hill's website. Italy is given 11/2... I think that another 50 are in order.... Unless the lady of the house says otherwise...

    It will not be a dull summer after all, with Wimbledon boring the heck out of me, some sort of rugby or the other, golf tournaments all over the place, with Tiger Woods winning nearly everything, and don't forget the English favourite.... Cricket.....And rain.... dodging...
    If you feel energetic you can support some Jock north of the border tossing his caber.... At the Highland Games.

    I would love to travel to Austria and watch a couple of games, but I am a married man now so instead Jet and myself will be probably driving to Italy for a couple of weeks, where she will be introduced with full pomp and fanfare to the rest of my clan.

    The fact that one of my brothers has one of those big, all singing all dancing nearly wall to wall plasma TV doesn't come into the equation at all...

    Sorry guys, but England has had it coming for a long time... A disaster waiting to happen...

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    From a betting point of view, you couldn't do much wrong in placing a few hundred quid on Italy to win outright, this time.
    I believe the odds are quite good at the moment.
    In 2004 I waltzed out of William Hill's with a nice wad of change.
    Laid 50 quid when Italy was touch and go at 16/1.
    As usual, in retrospect I wish I had put more money on it, but I remember doing it out of loyalty to my Country rather than being convinced by the players prowess on the field...
    Checking on Hill's website. Italy is given 11/2... I think that another 50 are in order.... Unless the lady of the house says otherwise...

    It will not be a dull summer after all, with Wimbledon boring the heck out of me, some sort of rugby or the other, golf tournaments all over the place, with Tiger Woods winning nearly everything, and don't forget the English favourite.... Cricket.....And rain.... dodging...
    If you feel energetic you can support some Jock north of the border tossing his caber.... At the Highland Games.

    I would love to travel to Austria and watch a couple of games, but I am a married man now so instead Jet and myself will be probably driving to Italy for a couple of weeks, where she will be introduced with full pomp and fanfare to the rest of my clan.

    The fact that one of my brothers has one of those big, all singing all dancing nearly wall to wall plasma TV doesn't come into the equation at all...

    Sorry guys, but England has had it coming for a long time... A disaster waiting to happen...
    So with the permit you have does your wife already have full access to eu areas? Or will Jet be the next applying for a schgen visa?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    So with the permit you have does your wife already have full access to eu areas? Or will Jet be the next applying for a schgen visa?
    Unfortunately she will need a Schengen visa.... ain't that rotten...???
    And this time it will cost a few bob.
    I am still debating wether to fly Ryanair and hire a car at the airport, or drive all the way.
    This decision will determine which country's visa to apply for, Italy or France.

    But in 3 years time she will be entitled to dual nationality.... so..... The world will be our oyster....

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Unfortunately she will need a Schengen visa.... ain't that rotten...???
    And this time it will cost a few bob.
    I am still debating wether to fly Ryanair and hire a car at the airport, or drive all the way.
    This decision will determine which country's visa to apply for, Italy or France.

    But in 3 years time she will be entitled to dual nationality.... so..... The world will be our oyster....
    Itallian embassy is much less hassle in person, but you don't live in the big smoke.

    From when i was researching the french gave the six months for most the Italians were far less likely to. But if you showed your an italian who needed to go their lots at a moment notice it maybe that your granted a 6 month visa straight off.

    My wife had a french visa first for six months we visted france and italy during its valid period. We tried the italian schgen visa as we wanted to revist italy and not have to go to france first or for more time than italy. The wife went in person and when asked said the dates we really needed but said is it possible to have six months and they said yes why not.

    If your main location is for italy get the italian, as i have posted before people have had difficulties when reapplying if they have visted a different country more or before visting the country they actually applied for unless a very good reason.

    Im sure your walk it.

    ps my wife loved the area around pisa and florence reminded for various reasons of phill (laguna region at least)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post

    ps my wife loved the area around pisa and florence reminded for various reasons of phill (laguna region at least)
    I went here with the kids a few years ago.
    Beautiful site within driving distance from Pisa, Florence and Siena.

    Right at the entrance to the Chianti road.

    Rome is only 200 Kms away, and it makes a nice day out.

    This where I booked again last summer, only that my ex never gave the kids passports out for us to go.

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