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Thread: Learning the language

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lightbulb Learning the language

    If I'm honest I haven't really gotten along the learning curve as much as I'd hoped.
    My wife insists on only teaching me Tagalog, but everyone here in Davao speaks Bisaya.

    When you visit Philippines on a holiday there's really no need to learn anything about language simply because everyone you're with takes care of that part leaving you free to make the most of every experience and get the best out of your holiday.

    Now that I'm living here, whenever I go off exploring I'm trying to communicate as best I can in Bisaya and it really happens that you can truly engage with people by doing that.
    I've found they drop all defenses and will open up. Yes, there are jokes, giggles and laughter especially about my often poor pronunciation but that's always followed with really helpful stuff and a happy relaxed atmosphere.

    I've always maintained that if you try communicating in the local language there's generally a positive response and it's so true here in the Philippines.

    Whenever I go to the local market there's always smiles, teasing and plenty of laughter. Whether real or not I feel like I making connections. The more I try to communicate in Bisaya, the more I seem to become accepted.

    It gives me more and more confidence whenever I'm out and about on my own.

    I may need to buckle-down and focus more on learning the language instead of just pleasure seeking.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Immersion, it's the best way to learn

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I understand about your wife not teaching you, Maritess can speak Tagalog but hates it really, so your wife hates Visayan!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    ....... so your wife hates Visayan!
    Certainly not Michael. In fact quite the opposite.
    It's just that she feels learning Tagalog will be far more useful in the long term than only learning Bisaya.
    There's really a lot of people here in Davao speaking both Bisayan and Tagalog as well as English.

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Good on you Peter, you are right about not learning it when on holiday, but you are living there, and maybe with the help of the people on board your jeepney trips, you could soon pick it up

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