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Thread: why don't the gov go and £$£$£$ (Version:2)

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    why don't the gov go and £$£$£$ (Version:2)

    Numpty on the Beeb this morning saying the government need to roll out the charging for rubbish nationwide, otherwise in a year or two the councils will face massive European fines, and we'll all be charged an extra £150 on our council tax.

    Well tell Europe to

    We won't have any rubbish as we'll just burn all the old tyres, toxic plastics, the garden.....or dump them back outside the supermarket, as they are the buggers that give us 99% of what we can't recycle.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Numpty on the Beeb this morning saying the government need to roll out the charging for rubbish nationwide, otherwise in a year or two the councils will face massive European fines, and we'll all be charged an extra £150 on our council tax.

    Well tell Europe to

    We won't have any rubbish as we'll just burn all the old tyres, toxic plastics, the garden.....or dump them back outside the supermarket, as they are the buggers that give us 99% of what we can't recycle.
    Good point about supermarkets as all I.T and electrical firms have to though the Weee scheme recycle all of their products.

    Im sure Tescos and the others put a lot of pressure to bear to stop that happening.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    we've got 4 wheelie bins where i am now , they take up half the garden

    people should have the vote on europe, tell the gov to tell the EU and pull out, and be like Switzerland, they are one of the richest countries in the world, Full EU membership is a long-term objective of some in the Swiss government, but there is considerable popular sentiment against this supported by the conservative SVP party , britian should pull out and rip the EEC off just like the swiss

    give brits the vote on the EU

  4. #4
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    plenty of brits heading off to work in switzerland joe

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i heard it was an expensive place to live , cannot be compared to the uk

    too cold for me thou

    what type of work are you doing over there badboyako ?

    have a great time, be good to get away from the uk for a bit

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