A few years ago, I wrote about a boy my friends adopted. The child was being given away before he had even left the womb, his pregnant mother was hawking him around the local marketplace. Anyway, my friend took him, my friend's wife registered herself as the boys mum and he is now an integral part of the family. A cheeky, cheerful chappie, a bundle of mischief really.I took him to Davao Croc Farm last month and he asked could he go in the tiger cages. I wanted to chuck him in!

I always think a house needs a child to give it character, and this boy is the apple of the eyes of my mate and his wife. He is truly a blessing to them.
I heard earlier this week his mother is once again pregnant -
and once again offering all and sundry her unborn child. She is single, and hasn't a partner. Some people just don't learn!