Yes, they say that life goes by so quickly. But when you are young who cares? Life is for living, new adventures around every corner, not a care in the world.
Teenage years come, and you feel you are king of the world - you can do anything, attract anyone,well sometimes! Every weekend is a big party.
Then you realize that you have to work to pay for all this fun you are wanting and suddenly life is hard.
You marry, find a home and the family comes along. Work, then more work ... we don't have enough money!
If you are lucky you may stay together. But then again, you may not.
You may even get a second - or third - chance to find happiness again.
Life is passing you by very, very quickly now.
Eventually, the time hits you when you think, "hang about, I want to do this and that, and I am getting older and more easily tired too!!"
Time is going very, very fast for many.
Once you know you can take the chances again to try different things you've been longing for, GO for them! Yes, there will always be doubts and "MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?" But hey, whats life other than for LIVING? Not thinking if only ...!