Today was the day we took our jeepney ride in the opposite direction to our regular route.
The weather was overcast and cloudy and a bit cooler than usual at around 25C. Perfect for walking around the market and beach area after a nice lunch in Toril.
I prefer the larger jeepneys plying their trade up and down the highway between Toril and downtown Davao. Much more comfortable with just about adequate headroom.
It cost us just P10 each for our single journey and we were able to enjoy a very pleasant ride taking in the sights and sounds.
About halfway through the journey, and what seemed like the middle of nowhere, the jeepney suddenly stopped and sounded the horn. Out of small wooden hut by the side of the highway came two small boys. My guess would be 12 years and 10 years old. They danced through the traffic over the highway carrying large bottles of liquid and a hosepipe.
Seems they were selling petrol as they began filling up the jeepney. First time for me to see that.
On his return journey across the highway the younger boy somehow lost his flip-flop and was very nearly run down by a massive lorry loaded up with Coca-Cola.
Most of the drivers here think that nobody else should ever have right to be on the road and carry on doing what they do and seemingly ignoring whatever is happening around them.
Jeepney drivers are the worst drivers and the best drivers.
Toril has a very new GMall. Not large but very nice and welcoming in a calming way.
The Handyman store there is a true life Aladins Cave of fascinating items. It's quite a large store, easily fascinating enough to keep me occupied for a good coupl of hours.
My wife was not at all happy about that as she had apparently been obliged to spend her own money on clothes and beauty products.
Just opposite is a great little bakery making and selling just about the best bread I've encountered since arriving. So good that I'll be returning tomorrow morning for some freshly baked
delights for breakfast.
Anyway to the point of this tale.
I spent a couple of years living in the Alsace region of France.
One of the popular local food dishes being a local version of sauerkraut.
This bakery in Toril has a cafe and one of the dishes available was Alsatian Sauerkraut or to give it's local name, choucroute.
Not only that amazing fact, but also they have a beautiful pizza oven. A small one, mobile and perfect for home use. They use it mainly for Lechon Manok
When I go back tomorrow I'll take a couple of photos and resurrect an old project to build one.
Had a very nice afternoon outing, but sadly no time to explore the beach and no time to explore and enjoy the local market which looks to be big enough to take up a couple of days looking.
Life is good![]()