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Thread: Top Gear

  1. #151
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    To be fair Steve, that's not the gist of what Jonnijon was saying. The point was that we don't know what happened leading up to the slap.
    The producer could have been winding him up all day, and then at the end of the long day after a few beers pushed Clarkson over the edge. Then to top it all he could have shouted the place down saying he'd have Clarkson's job and he was off to A&E like a little cry baby. Clarkson may have then sobered up pretty quickly and reported himself to the BBC as a damage limitation ploy
    he pushed himself over the edge, as for your 'coulds', the facts

    On 9 March 2015, Jeremy Clarkson reported to BBC management that he had been involved in a physical and verbal incident with Oisin Tymon, the producer of Top Gear, at the Simonstone Hall hotel, North Yorkshire, while working on location. The incident had occurred on 4 March 2015 and Jeremy Clarkson was suspended on 10 March, pending investigation.

    I was asked to undertake an investigation to establish the facts of what occurred. In conducting my investigation, in line with the BBC’s usual practice, I interviewed a number of witnesses and others connected with the incident. Accounts were agreed, based on my interviews, with each participant.

    Having conducted these interviews and considered the evidence presented, I conclude the following: on 4 March 2015 Oisin Tymon was subject to an unprovoked physical and verbal attack by Jeremy Clarkson. During the physical attack Oisin Tymon was struck, resulting in swelling and bleeding to his lip. The verbal abuse was sustained over a longer period, both at the time of the physical attack and subsequently.

    Specific facts I have found as part of my investigation are as follows:

    Earlier on 4 March, studio recording of Top Gear had taken place in Surrey and the presenters had travelled that same evening to the location shoot in North Yorkshire.
    The incident occurred on a patio area of the Simonstone Hall hotel, where Oisin Tymon was working on location for Top Gear.
    The physical attack lasted around 30 seconds and was halted by the intervention of a witness.
    It is the case that Oisin Tymon offered no retaliation.

    The verbal abuse was directed at Oisin Tymon on more than one occasion – both during the attack and subsequently inside the hotel – and contained the strongest expletives and threats to sack him. The abuse was at such volume as to be heard in the dining room, and the shouting was audible in a hotel bedroom.
    Derogatory and abusive language, relating to Oisin Tymon and other members of the Top Gear team, continued to be used by Jeremy Clarkson inside the hotel, in the presence of others, for a sustained period of time.
    It is clear that Oisin Tymon was shocked and distressed by the incident, and believed that he had lost his job.
    Following the attack, I understand that Oisin Tymon drove to a nearby A&E department for examination.
    Over the subsequent days, Jeremy Clarkson made a number of attempts to apologise to Oisin Tymon by way of text, email and in person.
    And it is the case that Jeremy Clarkson reported the incident to BBC management.

    It was not disputed by Jeremy Clarkson or any witness that Oisin Tymon was the victim of an unprovoked physical and verbal attack. It is also clear to me that Oisin Tymon is an important creative member of the Top Gear team who is well-valued and respected. He has suffered significant personal distress as a result of this incident, through no fault of his own.

  2. #152
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    He did serve as a good reminder and incentive for me to stop smoking. The man looks at least 10 years older than his actual age. Still hard to believe he is only 54.
    Tbh, Graham ... [in moderation] has precious little to do with the ageing process. Far less so, I'd say, than uncontrolled, long-term alcohol consumption. Rather, it's when those two vices are indulged in to excess that the complexion eventually turns pallid and prematurely wrinkled.

    Now, my maternal grandfather, for instance, smoked (mainly a pipe) from his teens, had double pneumonia twice ... yet lived until he was *97 years old - by *which age, he'd still a full head of [predominantly] black Brylcreemed hair (something I'll never have, whatever age I reach ... despite regularly "borrowing" his Brylcreem whenever we visited ) - and remained smooth-skinned all his days.

    Indeed, my granny, his wife - who'd never smoked in her life - was often mistaken for being his mother ... in spite of the small age-gap between the pair of them amounting to a mere fourteen months.

  3. #153
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    who put this smilie in my thread ???????
    The phantom editor strikes again

  4. #154
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I've worked in many places, but those who used their fists had lost the argument and their job

    As for the old days everyone was respectful, 'ang on, Clarkson is in his mid 50's he's no teenager

    And for the rest of your post, it was Clarkson who reported it to the BBC, probably because he realised he was in deep the producer didn't and the producer has not spoken to the press or anyone as far as I can tell and he doesn't want to press charges, so that's a funny way of seeking publicity. And as for winding Clarkson up, I think the abuse was all from Clarkson

    It's that so many on here defend him for assaulting another person, would you defend him if he beat his wife, g/f or kids up

    My coulds, your woulds

  5. #155
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    End of the day, we have all been hit - either by our parents or some bully - and did it do us any harm? But on the other hand, it is not right either way. I would hate to be in a situation where someone gave me a clip and I was like many of you lot are saying A WIMP, I WOULD BE SH-T SCARED. Now that is wrong in anyone's eyes.

    Noboby knows what really happened and all I know is what I have read from here. Yes, he was good at his job - a MAN'S MAN some say. Well he's not my man's man, but that's just my opinion.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Who put this smilie in my thread ???????
    ... y'mean this > ''?

    Oh was me, Steve ... because I felt it emphasised the point you'd been making about none of us being any the worse of wallops we'd had from [I stress] our parents.

    ... if you prefer ... ... I can easily remove it again.

  6. #156
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    The phantom editor strikes again
    , Simon ... he doesn't! See my explanation.

  7. #157
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    , Simon ... he doesn't! See my explanation.
    Arthur, I posted that before you put up your explanation
    The real phantom editor hasn't got the s to admit to their editing

  8. #158
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Don't remove it Arthur, it makes my replies look better, thankyou

  9. #159
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    The phantom editor strikes again

  10. #160
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    My coulds, your woulds
    Now which post, yours or mine is nearer the truth ?

  11. #161
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Now which post, yours or mine is nearer the truth ?

  12. #162
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    as usual

  13. #163
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    I am sure if most of us hit one of our co workers then the police would take a great interest and we would probably end up in court on an assault charge.......

    I like Clarkson but feel physically attacking one's fellow colleagues is beyond the pale

  14. #164
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    I am sure if most of us hit one of our co workers then the police would take a great interest and we would probably end up in court on an assault charge.......

    I like Clarkson but feel physically attacking one's fellow colleagues is beyond the pale

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