Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
As for the rest of this overblown sorry affair: How much of my licence money have all these BBC PC pillocks wasted on a couple of blokes losing their tempers ? Yes, schoolyard stuff, and that's how it should be treated.
one bloke losing his temper and assaulted another guy for 30 seconds and the producer didn't fight back,, Clarkson isn't a schoolboy thou,, he's 54, thou he acts like a kid

Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
Erm, I think it's the 'rich' people who get sued.

They have the ability to pay.

A whole industry of parasites has now grown up around that fact.

Of course WE end up paying for it all again.
rich people can afford the best solicitors who know all the tricks to get them off scot free