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Thread: Top Gear

  1. #121
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    so you think it's acceptable for a work colleague to swear at you then beat you up for 30 seconds , resulting in you going to A & E and threat to get you sacked. everywhere i've worked at, that's instant dismissal.

    when men were men, you mean have a punch up, looking at the size and weight of clarkson it wouldn't have been a fair fight and what does violence solve
    when I started work, my apprenticeship at 16, yes it was a place where only the strong and hard willed could work. If you couldn't pull your weight, yes, you got hit or punched for being a blouse. Yes, verbal abuse was a daily occurrence too, but I stuck it out and ended up fully qualified. Too many disrespectful young people these days, who have no idea of hard work or responsibility in their work. So Clarkson didn't get what he wanted and the guy had a bitchy fit. Sounds like the type who I descri earlier. Another chancer looking for some easy money by publicizing how he got hit for not doing his job properly and winding up a person that perhaps he should have respected.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  2. #122
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    I agree with some of what you say Steve, yes there are too many young people and old people too who are very disrespectful to others, and in the good old days you were either going to do it their way or the highway.

    People earn respect and there are lots out there that have my respect.

    A bully can never earn respect, and I think Clarkson has been made into someone who can say what he wants and nothing really happens to him. So this way you have made a bully, and who would respect him? Only a 'yes' person. Just my thinking

  3. #123
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    Steve.r has brought up a good point: Provocation (of Clarkson).

    I don't seem to have read anything about this aspect in the reports.

  4. #124
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    I was getting my ass kicked round the deck of a trawler when I was 16 years old, never done me any harm.

  5. #125
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    Having been reared by a short-tempered (ex-boxer) dad who believed in good smacks around the ear, I'd recommend the producer guy works on his ducking technique.

  6. #126
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    I just heard that the victim says he does not want to pursue the matter. However, unless the law has changed, no one can 'authorise' another to hit him in these circumstances. I hope that just like everybody else Clarkson has to face up to the possiblity of a charge for ABH.

    But I know UK has lost it's way on practically everything, so who knows what might happen now.

  7. #127
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Looks like the show is over at least on the BBC.
    Hopefully the 3 of them team up on a different Chanel next year.
    I wonder how the BEEB expect to raise the 65 million the show brings in??
    Up the licence fee?

    Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Top Gear boss Andy Wilman plot their next career move at secret meeting

    • Clarkson, James May and Top Gear boss Andy Wilman met in secret today
    • Hinting show's end, Mr May said:'We always knew it wouldn't last forever'
    • Insiders say Hammond will also refuse to make further episodes of show
    • Mr Wilman, Top Gear's executive producer, is also reportedly set to quit
    • \eremy Clarkson met with co-star James May and Top Gear boss Andy Wilman in a secret meeting, as the trio continue to plot their next career move.Clarkson, 54, is said to be weighing up his options after being dropped from the BBC yesterday for punching producer Oisin Tymon.
      Mr May and fellow co-star Richard Hammond are both expected to leave the show with him, after claiming the trio ‘come as a package’.
      However, in a hint that the Top Gear contingent may be planning to work together again, they were spotted together – minus Mr Hammond who lives in Herefordshire – following a secret meeting in London.

      Read more:
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  8. #128
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  9. #129
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I just heard that the victim says he does not want to pursue the matter. .
    Aww bless him, poor 'victim'... He doesn't even have the nuts to follow it through
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Aww bless him, poor 'victim'... He doesn't even have the nuts to follow it through
    I see that the police have now said no action will be taken.

    Whilst that will save public money, I know that in the past, and probably still for the 'ordinary man in the street' they would have been prosecuted as, I understand, there were witnesses to the assault.

    One law for Clarkson and another for Joe Public, or so it would seem.

  11. #131
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    when I started work, my apprenticeship at 16, yes it was a place where only the strong and hard willed could work. If you couldn't pull your weight, yes, you got hit or punched for being a blouse. Yes, verbal abuse was a daily occurrence too, but I stuck it out and ended up fully qualified. Too many disrespectful young people these days, who have no idea of hard work or responsibility in their work. So Clarkson didn't get what he wanted and the guy had a bitchy fit. Sounds like the type who I descri earlier. Another chancer looking for some easy money by publicizing how he got hit for not doing his job properly and winding up a person that perhaps he should have respected.
    I've worked in many places, but those who used their fists had lost the argument and their job

    As for the old days everyone was respectful, 'ang on, Clarkson is in his mid 50's he's no teenager

    And for the rest of your post, it was Clarkson who reported it to the BBC, probably because he realised he was in deep the producer didn't and the producer has not spoken to the press or anyone as far as I can tell and he doesn't want to press charges, so that's a funny way of seeking publicity. And as for winding Clarkson up, I think the abuse was all from Clarkson

    It's that so many on here defend him for assaulting another person, would you defend him if he beat his wife, g/f or kids up

  12. #132
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    It's that so many on here defend him for assaulting another person, would you defend him if he beat his wife, g/f or kids up
    No of course not, but he hasn't so not relevant Joe.
    No-one knows the facts, but if this was a one off under the influence of alcohol - and who knows what was said exactly - then for me, it's dealt with.

  13. #133
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    No of course not, but he hasn't so not relevant Joe.
    No-one knows the facts, but if this was a one off under the influence of alcohol - and who knows what was said exactly - then for me, it's dealt with.
    It's not a one off, is it Les ?

    And why was Clarkson so off ? Don't talk about teenagers these days when you've got lowlifes like Clarkson as 'role models'

  14. #134
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    It's that so many on here defend him for assaulting another person, would you defend him if he beat his wife, g/f or kids up
    Don't count me as one of those that defend this slob. It's a pity he did not pick on someone who would have given him what he gave out. I bet then there would be arrests and people being sued too.

    Good riddance, I say. Just my own thoughts, no offence meant to other slobs

  15. #135
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    It's not a one off, is it Les ?

    And why was Clarkson so off ? Don't talk about teenagers these days when you've got lowlifes like Clarkson as 'role models'
    Well at the end of the day he's got lots of fans including me

  16. #136
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Don't count me as one of those that defend this slob. It's a pity he did not pick on someone who would have given him what he gave out. I bet then there would be arrests and people being sued too.

    Good riddance, I say. Just my own thoughts, no offence meant to other slobs

    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Well at the end of the day he's got lots of fans including me
    sums him up

  17. #137
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    We know there was no hot food at the end of a day's work, that's wrong. We do not know what the producer said to earn the slap do we?

    So stop slagging Clarkson all the time.

  18. #138
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    We know there was no hot food at the end of a day's work, that's wrong.
    Not ideal, ... but when you're slogging away from 6.45 am till 10.15 pm on Election duties at a polling station without access to hot food - other than that which is brought into you by your partner, or otherwise subsist on cold sausage rolls, sandwiches and flasks of lukewarm tea/coffee for 151/2 hours - then that IS, IMO, something to get grouchy about! Therefore, by comparison ... ... I'd say Clarkson got off lightly and was being paid a fortune for mucking around in cars.

  19. #139
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Therefore, by comparison ... ... I'd say Clarkson got off lightly and was being paid a fortune for mucking around in cars.
    Having said that ... Jeremy can come across as being a likeable enough bloke in his own way, and I'm sure he - and the programme of which he was the mainstay - will be much missed.

  20. #140
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    We know there was no hot food at the end of a day's work,


  21. #141
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    We know there was no hot food at the end of a day's work,
    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post

    To be fair Steve, that's not the gist of what Jonnijon was saying. The point was that we don't know what happened leading up to the slap.
    The producer could have been winding him up all day, and then at the end of the long day after a few beers pushed Clarkson over the edge. Then to top it all he could have shouted the place down saying he'd have Clarkson's job and he was off to A&E like a little cry baby. Clarkson may have then sobered up pretty quickly and reported himself to the BBC as a damage limitation ploy

  22. #142
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Well its BBC loss. Sky will probably snap all 3 of them up.

  23. #143
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    It's that so many on here defend him for assaulting another person, would you defend him if he beat his wife, g/f or kids up

    Would you criticise him for giving someone a fat lip if they had been slagging off his wife and kids

  24. #144
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Aww bless him, poor 'victim'... He doesn't even have the nuts to follow it through
    You know, you COULD on the other hand interpret that as "he manned up, and like blokes throughout the ages, accepted that sometimes you get a punch for being a prat, decided to grow up and let it go".

    Who knows though.

    As for Clarkson, well I've said before, I'm almost convinced he's a year or so decided he's getting on a bit, wants to "retire" but either doesn't want to be remembered as the guy who wrecked Top Gear, or even just wants to make a "laddish" name for himself so he's trying to get himself sacked.

  25. #145
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'm with the slap for being a prat brigade. Sometimes it's deserved.

  26. #146
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    JC will be presenting at least one new edition of BBC's 'Have I Got News For You'...coming soon.

  27. #147
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    End of the day, we have all been hit - either by our parents or some bully - and did it do us any harm? But on the other hand, it is not right either way. I would hate to be in a situation where someone gave me a clip and I was like many of you lot are saying A WIMP, I WOULD BE SH-T SCARED. Now that is wrong in anyone's eyes.

    Noboby knows what really happened and all I know is what I have read from here. Yes, he was good at his job - a MAN'S MAN some say. Well he's not my man's man, but that's just my opinion.

  28. #148
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    He did serve as a good reminder and incentive for me to stop smoking. The man looks at least 10 years older than his actual age. Still hard to believe he is only 54.

  29. #149
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    There you go Graham , cant thank him enough for that, we are all getting older, some can manage it better then others, some cant,
    If he had a cold salad instead of a large steak on that night that would have maybe made him feel younger too, hang about he had nothing, so he had no nutrition, thats why he looks shagged and old too

  30. #150
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    end of the day, we have all been hit - either by our parents or some bully - and did it do us any harm? :nono: But on the other hand, it is not right either way. I would hate to be in a situation where someone gave me a clip and i was like many of you lot are saying a wimp, i would be sh-t scared. Now that is wrong in anyone's eyes.

    Noboby knows what really happened and all i know is what i have read from here. Yes, he was good at his job - a man's man some say. Well he's not my man's man, but that's just my opinion.

    Who put this smilie in my thread ???????

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