Sadly it's a sign of the times that no matter what these people do they seem to get away with it. The Police feel an offence was committed but for some strange reason they have decided to take no action. Bit like Cyril Smith and Co who seem to have been abusing and possibly murdering children for a generation but plod and politicians deliberately covered it up.
Police decide not to investigate concerns about the software he was selling
We live in a world where people say it's alright that a member of the government runs a business in another name and attempts to use his expensive lawyers to get somebody to remove a facebook post which points this out. The man is clearly a liar, a cheat and a bully and has no place in government.
On the other hand, put a picture of Milliband in his second kitchen and the whole world is up in arms. Personally I think the most offensive thing about Milliband is that people continue to describe him as Left Wing and Socialist. The man hasn't got a socialist bone in his body.