Hi all,

I originally posted a question on the Noob board about getting married in the Phillipines, but due to ongoing work projects it's looking less and less likely that I will be able to get time off work, so we are looking at getting a visitor visa so she can see the UK, meet the folks and, of course, sample the weather

Sounds like this one is a tricky one to get and I have been reading the threads about what to do to get it, but there are a couple of things I am hoping someone can help out with here...

1. Some people suggest that applying to come and see a bf is a sure fire indicator that she will not return, whereas others suggest 100% honesty is the correct approach. We were going to go for the approach of showing evidence of our relationship and photos etc... is this the right thing to do?

2. It seems as a sponsor I need to provide evidence of finances etc. I am a freelance contractor and operate via a limited company. Does this mean I need to get a copy of last year's accounts from my accountant, along with copies of both my business and personal accounts?? Also, do I send all this stuff to my gf to hand over and would this have to be the originals? Or can they be scanned in and sent by email? Also, does this mean that my gf gets to find out exactly how much I am worth?

Thanks in advance
