Quote Originally Posted by timi View Post
my fiancée just applied at vfs , even though our application was april 1 they demanded her registration number for health service surcharge
tried to get that number all weekend but the health service website failed to recognise password, and the password reset continually malfunctioned
eventually I gave her new username and used my email got her registered after they took 900$ about £ 600 from my visa card.
on the website I think they have problems as if login problems tay advise password reset which seems to fail continually
Hope this info helps others, and thanks to all who helped Stef and I
Something's not right there timi.
1. The surcharge is only applicable for applications submitted and paid for after April 6 2015
2. Besides which, any applications for visa's of 6 months and less are not subject to the surcharge.

I believe VFS are totally incorrect.

Here's what UKVI state:-

The surcharge will be introduced on 6 April 2015. It will apply to applications where payment is made on or after the 6 April.............

The health surcharge will be paid by non-EEA nationals who apply to come to the UK to work, study or join family for a time-limited period of more than 6 months......