Had to take the wife to the doctor's yesterday. EE Woman at the counter clearly had the appointment booked for her as she couldn't speak a word of English and couldn't even tell the receptionist her date of birth. She then asks for a translator which the receptionist declines as her appointment is to close. In the end the receptionist says she will not be seen by a doctor unless she can find someone to translate either by phone or in person. EE male walks in and receptionist asks him to fill in a form for foreigners that my wife had also been asked to complete. He starts to abuse the receptionist and must confess I came close to getting involved but the wife was there so thought better of it.

Decided to take the wife to A&E at St Georges last night and the same thing. Half the punters couldn't speak English. EE young bloke kicking off and a Doctor and nurse trying to pacify him instead of just telling him to off.

I must confess I regularly get feelings of rage whenever I visit NHS establishments and it's nearly always caused by taking foreigners.
This is pure tokenism. £200 million a year is a drop in the ocean. Eastern Europeans are probably claiming that fortnightly in benefits.

On a personal level my wife has paid tax and national insurance since arriving here and as she is married to a British Citizen I'm not sure it's entirely fair that she should pay this. However something has to be done. My honest belief it that there is far more money to be saved in not letting the scroungers come in the first place. But that's not going to happen regardless of who wins the General Election.