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Thread: Migrant 'health surcharge' to raise £200 million a year

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Terpe Migrant 'health surcharge' to... 20th March 2015, 03:05
Terpe Immigration health surcharge:... 20th March 2015, 03:07
Arthur Little :yeahthat:'s daylight ... 20th March 2015, 03:26
Trefor £200 a year is a bargain. I... 20th March 2015, 07:39
Michael Parnham £16.66 per month, don't mind... 20th March 2015, 07:45
andy222 I agree on the part that it... 20th March 2015, 15:34
Dedworth Should have been imposed... 20th March 2015, 09:29
grahamw48 About time too. Totally... 20th March 2015, 11:29
Arthur Little :confused: ... WHY are so... 20th March 2015, 13:33
Trefor Because it makes sense. While... 20th March 2015, 14:24
Michael Parnham Yes, I was in favour of Poll... 22nd March 2015, 07:24
fred Personally I was dead against... 22nd March 2015, 09:19
Michael Parnham Sorry Fred, but I saw it as a... 22nd March 2015, 12:53
Dedworth I object to waiting times... 20th March 2015, 14:30
Arthur Little Whilst :iagree: in principle... 20th March 2015, 16:11
marksroomspain Arthur I totally agree with... 21st March 2015, 00:43
Arthur Little Thank you, so much Mark for... 23rd March 2015, 01:39
cheekee Arthur I'm also on your side... 23rd March 2015, 01:54
Arthur Little :smile: Thanks to you also, ... 23rd March 2015, 02:14
cheekee I'm really not happy about... 20th March 2015, 18:13
Doc Alan I don’t make value judgements... 20th March 2015, 21:41
stevewool Told you all this would... 20th March 2015, 22:00
grahamw48 Yet again introduced because... 20th March 2015, 22:10
songz777 For me? Well, I don't mind... 21st March 2015, 19:41
bigmarco Had to take the wife to the... 22nd March 2015, 01:03
Dedworth A complete disgrace Marco -... 22nd March 2015, 01:06
Rory I totally agree here. I... 9th April 2015, 13:41
Iani Oh great, so this applies to... 22nd March 2015, 23:16
raynaputi The UK government can only... 23rd March 2015, 02:04
grahamw48 Spot-on Rayna. ... 23rd March 2015, 16:24
Arthur Little Thank the Lord for people of... 23rd March 2015, 03:04
Arthur Little Let's try to keep this... 23rd March 2015, 15:08
andy222 Besides the health issue, if... 23rd March 2015, 16:37
cheekee I checked on the visa webpage... 9th April 2015, 14:02
Moving Forward I've just used their... 9th April 2015, 18:27
cheekee Hoping I got it wrong and its... 9th April 2015, 18:35
Moving Forward It's not good at all. I... 9th April 2015, 19:05
Rory I was thinking the same, from... 9th April 2015, 19:29
stevewool WE,RE DOOMED, so the saying... 9th April 2015, 19:28
grahamw48 It is disgraceful,... 9th April 2015, 20:47
stevewool I am so glad i am not going... 9th April 2015, 20:58
Dedworth The Tories have let the... 9th April 2015, 21:04
cheekee This was a DR's reply to the... 9th April 2015, 23:51
Dedworth The good Doctor hasn't... 10th April 2015, 09:09
cheekee :icon_lol: 10th April 2015, 12:45
stevewool A lot what he brought up... 9th April 2015, 21:15
grahamw48 The country is run by a bunch... 9th April 2015, 21:15
Ako Si Jamie These arrogant tools are not... 11th April 2015, 12:01
Dedworth From the Mail :- ... 9th April 2015, 21:38
cheekee I received a letter from my... 9th April 2015, 23:47
Michael Parnham Blooming Unions!:NoNo: 10th April 2015, 07:15
cheekee Micheal what is you're view... 10th April 2015, 12:48
Michael Parnham My view is that Unions should... 11th April 2015, 04:44
grahamw48 As long as it's still pretty... 10th April 2015, 12:49
Ako Si Jamie :icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3: 11th April 2015, 11:45
timi We applied april 1 for... 11th April 2015, 09:44
Terpe Hi timi, Good news and bad... 11th April 2015, 10:55
Rhose This is ridiculous and... 11th April 2015, 11:15
Michael Parnham I'll second... 11th April 2015, 11:35
Ako Si Jamie Exemptions to Brits with a... 11th April 2015, 11:42
cheekee As a NHS worker I second that... 11th April 2015, 12:50
stevewool Dont think its going to stop... 11th April 2015, 12:03
Arthur Little :yeahthat:'s true ... more ... 11th April 2015, 12:19
andy222 Me too.:biggrin: 11th April 2015, 19:44
mendoza82 UNFAIR!!!!!i agree with you... 11th April 2015, 20:23
cheekee Agreed 11th April 2015, 23:08
grahamw48 British citizens can get free... 11th April 2015, 20:28
Arthur Little :gp:, Graham ... the European... 11th April 2015, 23:03
timi my fiancée just applied at... 13th April 2015, 07:12
Terpe Something's not right there... 13th April 2015, 13:43
raynaputi Just wondering, what is the... 13th April 2015, 15:33
Terpe I haven't double checked... 13th April 2015, 23:19
Terpe If anyone agrees to pay the... 26th April 2015, 07:00
Anne2014 Hello Terpe. I am a bit... 15th April 2015, 12:08
Terpe The Unmarried Partner visa is... 15th April 2015, 14:02
Anne2014 Thank you for the... 17th April 2015, 11:32
andy222 What if those on visas do not... 13th April 2015, 10:10
SimonH I haven't claimed on my... 13th April 2015, 10:16
cheekee The money will just end up in... 13th April 2015, 10:21
grahamw48 Next...a 'drunken idiot... 13th April 2015, 10:23
cheekee I like that a lot. My A+E... 13th April 2015, 11:02
Michael Parnham I've always said that self... 13th April 2015, 13:48
Rhose Has anyone tried to pay or... 25th April 2015, 21:08
Rory This surcharge came in on the... 27th May 2015, 22:52
marksroomspain Hiya Rory, The NHS... 27th May 2015, 23:22
Rory Thank you. So I will... 27th May 2015, 23:43
marksroomspain Disregard dates etc. It's a... 28th May 2015, 01:10
Terpe I'm not sure I understand... 28th May 2015, 00:21
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  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post

    Arthur, my friend, a well deserved rep, tried to but have to spread them around. Owe you one....
    Thank you, so much Mark for being one of the [very] few to back me up on this issue. Although I'm not affected personally, I genuinely feel for those who will be after next month.

    Thanks, too for trying to give me rep for my efforts. Perhaps one of the few others who share my views, might oblige ... if I'm lucky!

    Hmm ... 's probably just wishful thinking on my part. Anyway, it's the thought that counts.

  2. #2
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Thank you, so much Mark for being one of the [very] few to back me up on this issue. Although I'm not affected personally, I genuinely feel for those who will be after next month.

    Thanks, too for trying to give me rep for my efforts. Perhaps one of the few others who share my views, might oblige ... if I'm lucky!

    Hmm ... 's probably just wishful thinking on my part. Anyway, it's the thought that counts.
    Arthur I'm also on your side on this one.

    My wife will be working here and will pay her contributions
    I have worked hard all my life and contributed.

    Why should I be penalised because the government has been so idiotic as to allow the situation to have gotten to this?

    This possibly wouldn't have happened if things had been more strict for illegal immigrants and health tourists in the past.

    I feel like I will be paying for the government's mistakes.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    Arthur I'm also on your side on this one.

    My wife will be working here and will pay her contributions
    I have worked hard all my life and contributed.

    Why should I be penalised because the government has been so idiotic as to allow the situation to have gotten to this?

    This possibly wouldn't have happened if things had been more strict for illegal immigrants and health tourists in the past.

    I feel like I will be paying for the government's mistakes.
    Thanks to you also, Phil ... for your support ... it's the way the Government intends to collect the extra cash (by lumping it onto already outrageously hefty visa fees) - rather than the amount itself - that bugs me ... and, of course, the ... ... 'I'm alright Jack' attitude of those in favour of the added payment as they're not going to be affected by it because their marital partners already have their Permanent Residence.

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