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    Post Migrant 'health surcharge' to raise £200 million a year

    From: Home Office, James Brokenshire MP and UK Visas and Immigration
    First published:19 March 2015
    Part of:Borders and immigration

    The government is set to recoup up to £1.7 billion over the next ten years to help pay for the cost of NHS treatment given to temporary migrants.


  2. #2
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    Immigration health surcharge: information for migrants

    From: Home Office and UK Visas and Immigration
    First published:19 March 2015

    This document contains information about the immigration health surcharge, which will be introduced on 6 April.

    The health surcharge means that temporary, non-EEA migrants coming to the UK for more than six months will contribute to the NHS.

    The health surcharge will be set at £200 a year for temporary migrants and £150 a year for students.


  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    Legislation coming into effect on 6 April means that nationals from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) coming to the UK for longer than six months will be required to pay a ‘health surcharge’ when they make their immigration application. It will also be paid by non-EEA nationals already in the UK who apply to extend their stay.

    Immigration and Security Minister, James Brokenshire said:

    “The health surcharge will play a vital role in ensuring Britain’s most cherished public service is provided on a basis that is fair to all who use it. For generations, the British public have paid their taxes to help make the NHS what it is today – the surcharge will mean temporary migrants will also pay their way"

    “Our health services will still be available to all those who need them, but now people coming from outside the EEA will make a fair contribution to the costs of healthcare incurred by temporary migrants living in the UK"
    's daylight robbery! Neither fair NOR lawful IMO ... considering the vast majority of married non-EEA immigrant partners are working and therefore already paying Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions towards healthcare out of their [often] hard-earned wages.

  4. #4
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    £200 a year is a bargain. I agree with the charge.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trefor View Post
    £200 a year is a bargain. I agree with the charge.
    £16.66 per month, don't mind paying as long as it applies to EU members also, I bet those living in Philippines wish that was all they had to pay for Healthcare!

  6. #6
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    £16.66 per month, don't mind paying as long as it applies to EU members also, I bet those living in Philippines wish that was all they had to pay for Healthcare!
    I agree on the part that it should apply across the board. People from the EU are also immigrants in my book.

  7. #7
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    Should have been imposed years ago

  8. #8
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    About time too. Totally ridiculous that foreigners can sponge off the taxpayer in this way, as well as receiving billions in 'overseas aid' from us MUGS.

    The sooner we get out of the EU and relieve ourselves of those parasites the better also.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... WHY are so many of our prominent members in favour of this surcharge?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... WHY are so many of our prominent members in favour of this surcharge?
    Because it makes sense. While there may be a minority of people such as our partners who are affected for a few years until they get residency, the vast majority of health tourists need clamping down on. This is a small step. Personally I think all healthcare should only be given upon showing our national ID card... (mind you, I was in favour of the Poll Tax too).

  11. #11
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trefor View Post
    Because it makes sense. While there may be a minority of people such as our partners who are affected for a few years until they get residency, the vast majority of health tourists need clamping down on. This is a small step. Personally I think all healthcare should only be given upon showing our national ID card... (mind you, I was in favour of the Poll Tax too).
    Yes, I was in favour of Poll Tax also!

  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Yes, I was in favour of Poll Tax also!
    Personally I was dead against it. Very unfair taxation in my view.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Personally I was dead against it. Very unfair taxation in my view.
    Sorry Fred, but I saw it as a way to deter people from having kids to claim benefits, just my opinion!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... WHY are so many of our prominent members in favour of this surcharge?
    I object to waiting times being extended and my taxes paying for treatment to scheming, freeloading grubs. We have enough of our own sick and elderly who should get priority

  15. #15
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Whilst in principle with most of the reasons expressed, nobody yet appears to've endorsed the point I've been trying to get across in #3, i.e., how on earth can the Government justify extracting this supplement from those immigrants who've married a British national, gained employment here and already pay tax & *NI Contributions (the *latter supposedly intended to cover them for free - yes FREE - healthcare [at source] ... as it does us!)?

    Surely, then, on that basis alone, the implementation of the new legislation cannot be right ... ... or, indeed, legal.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Whilst in principle with most of the reasons expressed, nobody yet appears to've endorsed the point I've been trying to get across in #3, i.e., how on earth can the Government justify extracting this supplement from those immigrants who've married a British national, gained employment here and already pay tax & *NI Contributions (the *latter supposedly intended to cover them for FREE healthcare [at source] as it does us!)?

    Surely, then, on that basis alone, the implementation of the new legislation cannot be right ... ... or, indeed, legal.
    Arthur I totally agree with you and I'm going to blow my mind over this.

    It's a total disgrace that spouses of British Citizens are made to pay this especially as they are en route to permanent residency and obviously British Citizenship and, as you said, paying tax & NI as my wife does.

    Regards to others agreeing, but this is another thorn in the side and financial burden to those who have to cope with the insurgant money grabbing b******s we call this government.

    Let's say I refuse to pay this, would my girl be thrown out? No I believe not - under Article 8 of ECH she would not - but, as a soft-hearted BRITISH CITIZEN, to support the dregs of society and the crap that is infesting this once good country of ours, I will pay this surcharge.......

    Mmm....... Maybe I should of put my lady on the back of a lorry in Calais.....

    Arthur, my friend, a well deserved rep, tried to but have to spread them around, owe you one....

  17. #17
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post

    Arthur, my friend, a well deserved rep, tried to but have to spread them around. Owe you one....
    Thank you, so much Mark for being one of the [very] few to back me up on this issue. Although I'm not affected personally, I genuinely feel for those who will be after next month.

    Thanks, too for trying to give me rep for my efforts. Perhaps one of the few others who share my views, might oblige ... if I'm lucky!

    Hmm ... 's probably just wishful thinking on my part. Anyway, it's the thought that counts.

  18. #18
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Thank you, so much Mark for being one of the [very] few to back me up on this issue. Although I'm not affected personally, I genuinely feel for those who will be after next month.

    Thanks, too for trying to give me rep for my efforts. Perhaps one of the few others who share my views, might oblige ... if I'm lucky!

    Hmm ... 's probably just wishful thinking on my part. Anyway, it's the thought that counts.
    Arthur I'm also on your side on this one.

    My wife will be working here and will pay her contributions
    I have worked hard all my life and contributed.

    Why should I be penalised because the government has been so idiotic as to allow the situation to have gotten to this?

    This possibly wouldn't have happened if things had been more strict for illegal immigrants and health tourists in the past.

    I feel like I will be paying for the government's mistakes.

  19. #19
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    Arthur I'm also on your side on this one.

    My wife will be working here and will pay her contributions
    I have worked hard all my life and contributed.

    Why should I be penalised because the government has been so idiotic as to allow the situation to have gotten to this?

    This possibly wouldn't have happened if things had been more strict for illegal immigrants and health tourists in the past.

    I feel like I will be paying for the government's mistakes.
    Thanks to you also, Phil ... for your support ... it's the way the Government intends to collect the extra cash (by lumping it onto already outrageously hefty visa fees) - rather than the amount itself - that bugs me ... and, of course, the ... ... 'I'm alright Jack' attitude of those in favour of the added payment as they're not going to be affected by it because their marital partners already have their Permanent Residence.

  20. #20
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    I'm really not happy about it.

    But that's only because its an added expense on top of everything I have to find to pay for this spouse visa.

    I can understand the reasons behind it though.

  21. #21
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    I don’t make value judgements on the Forum, but the facts are these :-

    • £ 200 / year is less than a tenth of the average cost of health care per capita in the UK. Total UK NHS expenditure was over £ 140 billion ( 2012 ), with spending on each person nearly £ 2,400.

    • Health of non-UK born individuals living in the UK can , for various reasons, be less good than the rest of the population - actual cost of treatment may exceed the per capita average.

    • For example, it costs about £ 5,000 to treat each case of TB in the UK - much more if it's multidrug resistant. Pre-screening in the Philippines and other countries ONLY detects active TB - latent TB ( no symptoms ) may still develop into active TB years later.

    • It’s enlightened self-interest to aim for universal health coverage and a good public health service. TB and ebola are examples of how a risk to one person, community, or nation, becomes a risk to other people, communities and nations.

    • Treating and maintaining health of all migrants can’t be paid entirely by UK taxpayers.

  22. #22
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Told you all this would happen sooner rather than later. Now when did I say I was going to win the Lotto?

  23. #23
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    Yet again introduced because of non-Filipinos abusing our welfare system.

    All 'immigrants' from outside the EU tarred with the same brush.

  24. #24
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    For me? Well, I don't mind this charge, and I guess it's fair until my wife has ILR or citizenship. But as has been pointed out, I wish it was across the board for Europeans as well.

    £200 per year isn't a lot for the service you get and we already pay for dental treatment - even on the NHS.
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  25. #25
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Had to take the wife to the doctor's yesterday. EE Woman at the counter clearly had the appointment booked for her as she couldn't speak a word of English and couldn't even tell the receptionist her date of birth. She then asks for a translator which the receptionist declines as her appointment is to close. In the end the receptionist says she will not be seen by a doctor unless she can find someone to translate either by phone or in person. EE male walks in and receptionist asks him to fill in a form for foreigners that my wife had also been asked to complete. He starts to abuse the receptionist and must confess I came close to getting involved but the wife was there so thought better of it.

    Decided to take the wife to A&E at St Georges last night and the same thing. Half the punters couldn't speak English. EE young bloke kicking off and a Doctor and nurse trying to pacify him instead of just telling him to off.

    I must confess I regularly get feelings of rage whenever I visit NHS establishments and it's nearly always caused by taking foreigners.
    This is pure tokenism. £200 million a year is a drop in the ocean. Eastern Europeans are probably claiming that fortnightly in benefits.

    On a personal level my wife has paid tax and national insurance since arriving here and as she is married to a British Citizen I'm not sure it's entirely fair that she should pay this. However something has to be done. My honest belief it that there is far more money to be saved in not letting the scroungers come in the first place. But that's not going to happen regardless of who wins the General Election.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Had to take the wife to the doctor's yesterday. EE Woman at the counter clearly had the appointment booked for her as she couldn't speak a word of English and couldn't even tell the receptionist her date of birth. She then asks for a translator which the receptionist declines as her appointment is to close. In the end the receptionist says she will not be seen by a doctor unless she can find someone to translate either by phone or in person. EE male walks in and receptionist asks him to fill in a form for foreigners that my wife had also been asked to complete. He starts to abuse the receptionist and must confess I came close to getting involved but the wife was there so thought better of it.

    Decided to take the wife to A&E at St Georges last night and the same thing. Half the punters couldn't speak English. EE young bloke kicking off and a Doctor and nurse trying to pacify him instead of just telling him to off.

    I must confess I regularly get feelings of rage whenever I visit NHS establishments and it's nearly always caused by taking foreigners.
    This is pure tokenism. £200 million a year is a drop in the ocean. Eastern Europeans are probably claiming that fortnightly in benefits.

    On a personal level my wife has paid tax and national insurance since arriving here and as she is married to a British Citizen I'm not sure it's entirely fair that she should pay this. However something has to be done. My honest belief it that there is far more money to be saved in not letting the scroungers come in the first place. But that's not going to happen regardless of who wins the General Election.
    A complete disgrace Marco - the Hospital should have got the Police in

  27. #27
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    On a personal level my wife has paid tax and national insurance since arriving here and as she is married to a British Citizen I'm not sure it's entirely fair that she should pay this. However something has to be done. My honest belief it that there is far more money to be saved in not letting the scroungers come in the first place. But that's not going to happen regardless of who wins the General Election.
    I totally agree here. I received a letter last week from the NHS asking if my wife is still in the UK, i will be applying for FLR in June so i can see myself paying now and then paying again in June. To say the least, this is a pain in the
    I see most people think that this should apply to all Non British Citizens and why is it not? My wife has paid in to the system for the last two and a half years and not taken a penny out while EE members claim straight away for free.
    If my wife had her UK passport i would be applauding this decision so i really have no legs to stand on in my defence.
    On a slightly different note, i have already printed off the FLR form and we have started to fill it in. I am guessing there might be a latest version of the form just before i submit .

  28. #28
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Oh great, so this applies to my wife, who is working silly hours and pays loads of tax, so we can pay fat bingo-winged Jeremy Kyle wannabees to have their smoking/obesity treated or tasteless tattoos removed on the NHS.

    Besides everyone knows EXACTLY who are really taking the piss, it's them who need cracking down on

  29. #29
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    The UK government can only impose immigration rules to non EEA countries coz they can't do anything about those from the EU. We are just a bunch of easy targets in their eyes. I feel sorry for all those partners of the members here who will apply for visas. Most often than not, they will end up working their butts off without having any recourse to public fund for 5 years, pay taxes, contribute to NI and now even pay for NHS. Take note, that's in addition to all the visa costs. I do wish that is the same case for those from the EU coz that's just the fair thing to do. But it will never happen.

    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    The UK government can only impose immigration rules to non EEA countries coz they can't do anything about those from the EU. We are just a bunch of easy targets in their eyes. I feel sorry for all those partners of the members here who will apply for visas. Most often than not, they will end up working their butts off without having any recourse to public fund for 5 years, pay taxes, contribute to NI and now even pay for NHS. Take note, that's in addition to all the visa costs. I do wish that is the same case for those from the EU coz that's just the fair thing to do. But it will never happen.

    Spot-on Rayna.

    Easy to lean on someone who's arm you already have up their back.

    We can also thank the (non-Filipino) vast majority of previous fraudsters and parasites for the ever-increasing load put upon Fiancee and Spouse visa applicants.

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