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We're both 'foodies' and my wife is an excellent cook. She ran her own restaurant in Japan.
We've always eaten foods we like in a style of our choosing.
When we lived in UK we'd travel far and wide to get the ingredients we needed to prepare the foods we liked.
Now here in Davao we still travel far and wide to try and get those needed ingredients. I have to say it's not easy.
Neither of us are fond of traditional Pinoy dishes but we do like some.
We still eat what we like whether it's roast beef dinner, a good curry, kinilaw, grilled chicken, pork belly, tempura or stir fries.
I have fish and chips when I fancy with proper malt vinegar too.
I will admit that the Philippines is the only country I've lived in where I have not immersed myself in the foods. In fact I've actively avoided most.