Hi guys I am studying the FLR (M) and am confused by the two statements on cash savings.
7.1 says that the cash can be in my account or her account etc. BUT 7.5.1 says that it must be in the NAMES of us (Joint account) I am confused?
7.1. Category D: Cash savings – requirements
7.1.1. An amount based on the cash savings above £16,000 held by the applicant, their partner, or both jointly for at least the 6 months prior to the date of application and under their control can count towards the financial requirement where applicable.
7.5.1. The evidence required for cash savings is specified in Appendix FM-SE: 11. In respect of cash savings the following must be provided: (a) Personal bank statements showing that at least the level of cash savings relied upon in the application has been held in an account(s) in the names of the person and their partner jointly throughout the period of 6 months prior to the date of application.
Further more the main application form says :
Page 35 of the FLR(M) Application Form.
7.3E Cash savings
If you cannot meet the financial requirement through income, you can use relevant cash savings to enable you to do so. Relevant cash savings are those which you and/or you sponsor hold which (i) exceed £16,000.
It says there it can be in my name and futher down it also gives me a box to tick Cash savings held in Sponsors nam, Applicants name or Joint names.
Thanks for your help. John