Quote Originally Posted by Jessyb View Post
Thank you for you useful help, I have been very nervous about asking!! Any seems like the best way is for me to visit, and apply for a fiancee visa. With regards this type of visa, I have read many posts here, and the knowledge is, I need to keep all records of my contact with my beloved, including chat arhives, receipts of any money sent, and text messages, formal letters. This I am endeavouring to do.
with regards the other issue, I have checked with my supporting police officer, and have now been informed, I would have no difficulty in leaving the UK, which is wonderful, BUT can I enter the Philipeans???can you help,

Ok, your personal copper says you will be alright to leave...

We are telling you that it ok to get there without hindrance...

this is not what is bugging me really...

What I have been pondering since my first answer on your original post is......

If you told your girlfriend that you have a record...

It is none of my business , but in my opinion it would be much fairer to her if she knows in advance and so she can make an unbiased decision on her future with or without you....
If you told her about it, I admire your sense of commitment and dedication.
If you haven't told her yet it is about time you do, before you actually meet and the relationship enters a new phase.

If she happens to find out about your record after the fact, on her own bat..... You will have lots of trouble. You will never be able to regain her trust, or, worse, her affection...

The ball is in your court...

Good luck...