greetings to all that have read and replied to my posts, seems like to me a Tourist Visa is going to be a difficult route to take. My loved lady has a good family, and friends but in truth really that is all that she has to arrive home for.
She was working, but before we met her employement came to an end, which has been very useful for our relationship, cause it means we have been spending 3 hours 6 days aweek online! she was offered a job, but we oth decided our relatiuonship would suffer, so I have been supporting her for the last 3 months. I guess this does not look good for a tourist visa.
Most of the replies to my naughty past, have been positive, as far as my passport is concerned, there are no visible bad Marks stamped on my passport, saying" do not let him in" But now there is all sorts of info hidden away under the high tech chip in the back.
Yes I agree this relationship is going to take good planning, patience and endurance, I am begining to realise that my loved and I will not be together for sometime, Oh well that is the story of my life.(hehehe)
should I now begin to apply for a Fiancee visa here in Uk, so that when we do meet at least there has been some progress.
thank you to you all, and may love blossom in all, now and forever.