Strangely, it's estimated some 75 percent of funerals held in the United Kingdom nowadays are cremations. God knows *why ...... apart from the [logical] argument that disposal of the dead in this manner provides an effective solution to the ever-increasing shortage of land - especially in large towns and cities - *so many living, breathing people in their right states of mind choose to undertake their final Earthly journey being rolled onto a conveyor belt into a furnace to be burnt to a crisp
- it's almost as if they'd never existed. SCARY!
Scary ... because when I think about it in depth (pun intended) there're at least still some remains of the bodies of ancestors who died hundreds of years back (and were buried) as opposed to nothing at all of my first wife, my parents and numerous other loved ones who were cremated.
's what I find altogether depressing!
Because, to me, the idea of being returned to the earth - from whence we came - seems far more natural.
Besides, I personally find cemeteries and/or churchyards infinitely more peaceful, restful places to "visit" than crematoria.
Simply my opinion!