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Thread: Mae Mugged

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    Mae Mugged

    I sent Mae some money yesterday. She and her cousin collected the money, bought some food, and were mugged on the way to the church. Mae was slightly hurt. All money lost, plus her and her cousin's mobile phones, plus keys to her apartment.

    Obviously she is very upset, but at least she was not badly hurt. Bit expensive for me, which I cannot afford, but at least she has that to fall back on. If it had happened three months ago I might not have believed her - but for now I just feel sick with shock and worry.

    She did all the right things - reported it to the police, got the phone blocked.

    I'm sorry but it does rather confirm everything I have heard about the Philippines.


  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    sorry to hear about what happened to Mae..and I am glad that she's alright and not badly hurt also her friends..

    well Ian, I must say that it is very common here in some places especially now Christmas is coming..

    hope Mae won't get traumatized with the incident, I am sure she's a strong lady..

    GOD Bless..

  3. #3
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    yeah kimmi is right... around christmas and also around mae and june, which is the school enrollment time.. many muggers are out there.. money is lost but im glad your mae is safe.. thats what counts =)

  4. #4
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    I sent Mae some money yesterday. She and her cousin collected the money, bought some food, and were mugged on the way to the church. Mae was slightly hurt. All money lost, plus her and her cousin's mobile phones, plus keys to her apartment.

    I'm sorry but it does rather confirm everything I have heard about the Philippines.

    So people don't get mugged in the UK then??

    I feel safer walking about in the Philippines than I do in some places in the UK even though I feel that there are people watching me thinking I must have loads of money.
    Perhaps Mae was "flashing the cash" or just a random victim. Could happen anywhere.


  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Ian Good Morning mate, you must have bee up in the night surfing, cant sleep ? I am sorry to hear what happened to Mae, its common everywhere, but petty mugging is more common in the Philippines, despite what others may say about it, having a co-relation with UK.

    As you say, you worked hard to send money for your girl, and then she reports that she has been mugged, (it really gets to you inside, but don't let it eat you up).

    She will feel gutted as well, as she knew you send money for her, ask any of the girls, they will feel for you.

    Take care IAN, Put this one down to the experience of the Philippines,

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    In future tell her to collect anything with a couple of lads with her, and don't collect it all at once, or send so much in one lot.

    They were probably followed through the process, with the mugger looking for someone with a nice wad, and an easy target, so if she had a couple of guys with her, the mugger would skip Mae due to being outnumbered by guys.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
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    you are exactly right. Mae feels the guy followed her from Western Union, en route to church.

    She was not flashing the cash, but they were clearly two happy young women out shopping for food etc. struggling with a sack of rice too!

    Kimmi, you are, of course, right. Trauma is the main worry and a real risk. If Mae would take alcohol I would have advised her to have a stiff drink or ten!

    And Gavin, I hope you realise how lucky we are in the UK? Violent mugging is rare, and the majority are between young people late at night.

    More to the point, in neighbouring Thailand this kind of attack is virtually unheard of. Sure, Thailand has its problems, but petty street crime is very very low. I feel safe everywhwere in Thailand at any time - I have walked through slums at 2 in the morning and the only things that scared me were the packs of mangey dogs!


  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    My Wifes bro and his mate were mugged by a tryicycle driver this week.
    Luckily due to the fact me being a moody big bro to him and his sister. I make sure they go to decent schools, eat well but try to stop them from walking round with the flashiest ipod and phones.

    Worth if you can giving your loved ones two phones, a cheap as chips one and your hand me down flash one. They will know when using the cheap as chips phone is best.

    Ian in Phill in my Wifes local town i feel pretty safe bowling around at whatever time, most locals would not dream of atempting to mug you as they would here the few that are dodgy and im sure they are in thailand, uk, phillipines and any other country you care to think of.

    When the missus picked up her wu or money from the bank she would get an escort either a tryicycle driver known to the family, a large uncle or two on motorbike or in one of the familys 4X4.

    I think you Ian you need to stop comparing thailand and phill totaly different countries (religion,poltics,the way govened now and in the past etc) its like comparing the UK and a muslim north africa country ihmo.

    I think what Gavin was saying is you may get robbed in the phillipines but your far less likely to get attacked by a random stranger/s for no reason like you would in the UK.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post

    Mae feels the guy followed her from Western Union, en route to church.

    I am afraid this is the sticky point in Phil.... Western Union offices....

    More often than not, you can see dodgy looking characters hanging about outside the WU..
    They know that people only go in there for one reason only... pick up money...

    For the muggers, robbers and general lowlife, those offices are like their own ATMs...
    All they need to do, is wait until the most likely target comes out of the doors... and follow until the chance to pounce, arises...

    That is why I always advocated on this forum for sending money to your loved ones.

    The money can be transferred directly to the recipient's bank account or delivered in cash directly into her hands.
    They take paypal or credit cards, debit cards, etc.

    I do admit that it is not the fastest way nor the cheapest, but it is safe and you are sent updates by e-mail at every step of the transaction.

    I am very sorry that something like that happened to your Mae, and I can only imagine how bad you must be feeling, not for the loss of the money and things, but for the distress and suffering caused to your GF.

    More importantly, you have to reassure Mae, in any way, shape or form, that it was NOT HER FAULT... because her confidence will have been quite badly shaken by the experience, and she might be feeling guilty to place an extra burden on you.

    Hope all will be well soon.

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I am afraid this is the sticky point in Phil.... Western Union offices....

    More often than not, you can see dodgy looking characters hanging about outside the WU..
    They know that people only go in there for one reason only... pick up money...

    For the muggers, robbers and general lowlife, those offices are like their own ATMs...
    All they need to do, is wait until the most likely target comes out of the doors... and follow until the chance to pounce, arises...

    That is why I always advocated on this forum for sending money to your loved ones.

    The money can be transferred directly to the recipient's bank account or delivered in cash directly into her hands.
    They take paypal or credit cards, debit cards, etc.

    I do admit that it is not the fastest way nor the cheapest, but it is safe and you are sent updates by e-mail at every step of the transaction.

    I am very sorry that something like that happened to your Mae, and I can only imagine how bad you must be feeling, not for the loss of the money and things, but for the distress and suffering caused to your GF.

    More importantly, you have to reassure Mae, in any way, shape or form, that it was NOT HER FAULT... because her confidence will have been quite badly shaken by the experience, and she might be feeling guilty to place an extra burden on you.

    Hope all will be well soon.
    word many companies including xoom will transfer to bank acounts so money can be drawn bit by bit. or you can get cards which you can send money to and they can use in some shops or withdrawn dfrom atm.

    I hope she is feeling ok now.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes its a problem in the phils, of course there is mugging in the uk, as everywhere, but i would feel alot safer in the uk than the phils.., i suppose you have to look at where you go, what time it is, and who your with, and evaluate the risks..

    my wifes aunt has been mugged twice in laguna, once a low life pulled a knife on her in a jeepney while our 3 year old daughter was with her. , shes in her 50's and has difficulty walking, well i wish i was there, he would have got a .. see what happens when he tries picking on someone his own size or bigger

  12. #12
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    A lot of friends of mine send money to Thailand via Nationwide Flex Account - no transfer fees, just send her a card. I presume there are enough ATMs in Angeles for me to do it that way.

    And Dom, yes, Mae feels terribly guilty, and I'm doing my best to brush it off as just one of those things. She is such a lovely woman she certainly doesn't deserve all of this.


  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Never been to Angeles but lots of western tourists go there so i would have thought so.
    Laguna were my Wifes family are there are plenty of card points so most bulit up areas wil be fine.

  14. #14
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Ian another way to help Mae is to apply for the cash plus Gold mastercard, which costs you about Ł26.00 for 2 cards, the website can be googled, its basically a mastercard that you charge up at the post office, you put the money on it, and Mae has it there, it costs you Ł3.00 per transaction in Phils.

    Maybe that will help.

  15. #15
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    Ian another way to help Mae is to apply for the cash plus Gold mastercard, which costs you about Ł26.00 for 2 cards, the website can be googled, its basically a mastercard that you charge up at the post office, you put the money on it, and Mae has it there, it costs you Ł3.00 per transaction in Phils.

    Maybe that will help.
    That sounds good.


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    I think you Ian you need to stop comparing thailand and phill totaly different countries (religion,poltics,the way govened now and in the past etc) its like comparing the UK and a muslim north africa country ihmo.
    I apreciate your comment. But the fact that two countries are very different doesn't, in itself, seem a good reason not to compare them? What would be wrong is to say that one is better than the other.

    My love affair with Thailand has lasted nearly 20 years. During that time I have explored the country, learnt about its history and culture, and married two of its people! So its going to be pretty hard for me not to compare other countries to Thailand or, for that matter, to any of the other countries I know well.

    The differences between countries in SE Asia is fascinating. Mahatir, the former (and deeply unpleasant) leader of Malaysia, used to make a big deal about the "Asian way" and how the west had no right to impose its values on an area which had its own values. But is there really an Asian culture? Or even a SE Asian culture? Is there more in common between EU countries than Asian countries?

    Whats equally interesting is how each country got to where it is - whether its successive colonisation, or the aparent stability of 400 years of monarchy. Across the whole region is the influence of the chinese, which is something that fascinates me in Thailand but about which I know nothing in the Philippines.

    So I intend to carry on enjoying exploring a new group of friends and a new culture - sometimes by comparing with things I understand a little better.


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    A lot of friends of mine send money to Thailand via Nationwide Flex Account - no transfer fees, just send her a card. I presume there are enough ATMs in Angeles for me to do it that way.

    This is what i am using now. My husband left his nationwide flex account atm card. You can withdraw money at any atm machine that will accept a visa card. Ian you can save your fee for sending the money to mae and there is no bank charge when she will withdraw money from any bank in the philippines.

  18. #18
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    We should not dissuade Ian from his love of Thailand, he knows the country very well and has a history with it, my best friend also loves Thailand like no other, he has had 2 Filipino wife, but now he marries a lovely Thai girl, he knows the Philippines very well, but loves Thailand more, that is his take on life, Ian compares because he sees the differences, that is the reality of the situation, and he is right to point out the differences he accepts that Mae comes from the Philippines but his knowledge of Thailand prompts him to give his knowledge as he sees it.

    If I had been involved with a country for 20 years, I would be doing the same, its only natural.

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Wales is better than England, even if Rhyl is full of Manc smackheads.....
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
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    "Wales is better than England, even if Rhyl is full of Manc smackheads....."

    Not better, just different. Or maybe strange . . .


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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Wales is better than England, even if Rhyl is full of Manc smackheads.....
    A compliment like that coming from a scouser should be aknowledged...

    I cannot really say that Wales is better than England, I can only state that "I feel better living in Wales than I would in England".
    And that by personal experience.

    About Rhyl........ What can anyone say...???

  22. #22
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    We should not dissuade Ian from his love of Thailand, he knows the country very well and has a history with it, my best friend also loves Thailand like no other, he has had 2 Filipino wife, but now he marries a lovely Thai girl, he knows the Philippines very well, but loves Thailand more, that is his take on life, Ian compares because he sees the differences, that is the reality of the situation, and he is right to point out the differences he accepts that Mae comes from the Philippines but his knowledge of Thailand prompts him to give his knowledge as he sees it.

    If I had been involved with a country for 20 years, I would be doing the same, its only natural.
    I agree with u Kuya Peter, but I hope Ian doesn't compare thai's to the filipinas..of course both countries has its good and bad attitudes..

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Wales is better than England, even if Rhyl is full of Manc smackheads.....
    Rhyl or blackpool no contest 'kiss me quick' scouser keith , well mancs have got to go somewhere for their hols, away from the jocks and scousers in blackpool

  24. #24
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Sis Kimmi

    I also hope Ian does not compare his Filipino new wife to his Thai wives, that may start something, especially knowing Filipina's they do not like to be compared hahahahaha.

    I agree with u Kuya Peter, but I hope Ian doesn't compare thai's to the filipinas..of course both countries has its good and bad attitudes..
    Masama at sis Kimmi ?

  25. #25
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I am glad that u understand wot I mean Kuya Peter and I am sure Miss Gina already warned u about it...he he he

  26. #26
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Sis Kimmi

    I also hope Ian does not compare his Filipino new wife to his Thai wives, that may start something, especially knowing Filipina's they do not like to be compared hahahahaha.

    Masama at sis Kimmi ?
    Hi kuya peter

    I wanna take this opportunity to thank you for Introducing some of your friends (like Nel, Charlie..etc) And admire you being realist one. Me and my kukupops enlightened very much and made a big help in our relationship to become stronger even we didn’t meet yet… Thank you so much..

    To ian

    I hope you’re just comparing the history and culture not the persons involved to you….

    otherwise checked this….my pleasure to introduced to you the Philippines Geography…

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    one thing i do know about thai's and filipino's they both face the same problems and successes in LDR, i use to go on the biggest thai-uk forum, for immigration purposes - repsect to john one of the mods there, and also a mod on a uk immigration forum - he's the man , nearly the same flight times to get there, i think its 4 hrs shorter to thailand? , same hot weather , same pretty gal's and for me a veggy, nothing i can eat

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and for me a veggy, nothing i can eat
    What's wrong with lamb and beef....???

    They eat grass... If that isn't vegetarian I don't know what it is....

    I like something vegetarian like that on occasions, in pieces medium rare....

  29. #29
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post

    I apreciate your comment. But the fact that two countries are very different doesn't, in itself, seem a good reason not to compare them? What would be wrong is to say that one is better than the other.

    My love affair with Thailand has lasted nearly 20 years. During that time I have explored the country, learnt about its history and culture, and married two of its people! So its going to be pretty hard for me not to compare other countries to Thailand or, for that matter, to any of the other countries I know well.

    The differences between countries in SE Asia is fascinating. Mahatir, the former (and deeply unpleasant) leader of Malaysia, used to make a big deal about the "Asian way" and how the west had no right to impose its values on an area which had its own values. But is there really an Asian culture? Or even a SE Asian culture? Is there more in common between EU countries than Asian countries?

    Whats equally interesting is how each country got to where it is - whether its successive colonisation, or the aparent stability of 400 years of monarchy. Across the whole region is the influence of the chinese, which is something that fascinates me in Thailand but about which I know nothing in the Philippines.

    So I intend to carry on enjoying exploring a new group of friends and a new culture - sometimes by comparing with things I understand a little better.


    Hi Ian sorry wasn't attack or anything like that but was just saying as you know they are very different cultures having met thais who have come over here in similar circumstances to my wife. Very different outlooks on life etc.

    But its the same for all us brits we shouldn't compare phill to the Uk or a western country it seems easier a lot of the time for your stress levels to just realise its different.

    Like you i am very intrested in all cultures from all over the world.

    Like you also write neither Phill or thailand are better than one another thats for sure. Like everyone and everything they have their plus and minus points.

    With out getting to deep was just trying to point out from the little i have seen of the two countries the Phillipines has a lot of problems due to what seems to be infulences (good and bad) from nearly every nation on the planet while from the little i know thais seem to be much more at one for the want of a better word and know more who they are.

    When i speak to older residents in Phill they seem to look back on to the marcos days with a sense of nostalgia, when the buses ran on time and crime was not as bad even if they did have nighttime curfews and people dissapearing. I guess how russians see the comunist era. For most people who kept themselves to themselves they were safer and knew where they stood. I'd like to point out this might not be the same for all phils i can only write from what i have experienced.

    Hopefully with the peso people much stronger and things seeming to be improving in the phillipines the crime level and the why bother working i will just rob it off others will reduce.

    Sorry Ian if it read rude wasn't meant to be in any way

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    I sent Mae some money yesterday. She and her cousin collected the money, bought some food, and were mugged on the way to the church. Mae was slightly hurt. All money lost, plus her and her cousin's mobile phones, plus keys to her apartment.

    Obviously she is very upset, but at least she was not badly hurt. Bit expensive for me, which I cannot afford, but at least she has that to fall back on. If it had happened three months ago I might not have believed her - but for now I just feel sick with shock and worry.

    She did all the right things - reported it to the police, got the phone blocked.

    I'm sorry but it does rather confirm everything I have heard about the Philippines.

    I am so sad to read this post Ian. I hope she is not too traumatised by this. It happened to a friend of mine as she was shopping at SM Cebu - just buying some last minute things before the flight back to UK.

    I send Mae my very best wishes. Onwards and upwards eh?


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