I was just wondering if anyone here had the same experienced or have any ideas.
Here`s the situation; Im applying for a fiancee visa to get married in the UK next year, but I have not got my annulment finality yet, but I have submitted all the papers and evidence to show that the legal proceedings is on going and my lawyer declared in his certification that the petition will be granted in the very near future. I have all the requirements thats asked on the list and my fiancee have enough accommodation and funds for me. We have enough evidence that the relationship is genuine and we already met here this year. Do you think I will get my visa even my annulment has not yet the finality?
I will be travelling to UK as soon as I got my visa, but none of my children will be travelling with me, as the biological father will not let them get out of the country and my own choice as well to leave them with my parents. I do not want them to destruct their concentration in their studies here if I will move them to UK its gonna be difficult for them to adjust in their ages between 10 and 13 years old. I spoken to my kids about it and they said they are happy with their grandparents as they got used to them since they been living with my parents as Ive been working abroad since they were small. It is not easy for me and may not be acceptable to other people, I might be judge as as a selfish mother, but I can`t force my fiance to move here as his career is in the UK. He promised me that my children will be look after and will have a better life and I can go home more frequently to see them.
Do you think it will count against me of not taking my kids with me to the UK?
Any advice and opinion will be appreciated.