I only ever wear Hugo Boss jeans because the denim is quality I prefer combats or chinos for everyday comfort,I bought a pair of timberlands the other week,not the originals I normally wear but the new design,my kid said its what middle-aged men would wear Iam finally resigned to the fact middle-age is here
Common sense regarding pinoy spending habits really isn't that common,its true about the fiesta millionaires who borrow to celebrate a single day and spend a year paying it off My mates mother in law vanished for several days as she was en-route to the hospital to pay the money my mate had given her for delivery and after care fees for her newborn grandchild,she never made it to the hospital,she returned home several days later having lost the money at mah-jong,thats more like the "Family-values" I have heard and encountered lots of in over 20 years kicking about in the PI,if money is the root of all evil here its the root of all family jealousy and problems there.