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Thread: How can one divorce

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    How can one divorce

    The marriage is on the rocks after so many years.
    I am British, my wife is a Filipina and we got married outside of the Philippines thinking it would be easier if someday we did go for a divorce.
    Is it easier and how do go about. Do I have to use my British Lawyer or hire a Filipino Lawyer.

    Please advise

  2. #2
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    Where are you living now George...UK ?

  3. #3
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi George, if you both want the divorce you can apply at a British court and get the papers to do it without needing a solicitor I believe.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi George, if you both want the divorce you can apply at a British court and get the papers to do it without needing a solicitor I believe.
    That's right.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    No need to use any solicitors!

  6. #6
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    IF you are both in agreement, then it's straightforward and not so expensive. There are online places you can use. are pretty good.

    With these though, you do both need to be in agreement. If there's a bit of ambiguity then maybe not so.

    If you've been separated two years, you can go for a separation (no blame) divorce. If under two years, then one of you will have to man up and take the hit - she or you will have to make up stuff about you to justify the divorce.
    It just needs to be something a judge will accept, and really - it's not hard to think of something. Plenty of examples out there - or just post and surely someone on here can give a couple of examples.

    To be honest, unless you're desperate to get married again, I'd just wait the two years. Obviously you need to be living apart.

    Oh and if there's kids involved, well it's still not too difficult, but it involves a lot more layers of preparation

  7. #7
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Hi George, firstly their are 5 main reasons for Divorce;

    1. Adultery
    2. Unreasonable Behavior
    3. Desertion
    4. Living apart for 2+ years, and if you both agree
    5. Living apart for 5+ years even if one disagrees

    Here is a very good UK Government website to help you.

    Personally i would NOT engage a Philippino Lawyer unless you have deep pockets, and wish to waste time and money.

    Their are some very good UK Solicitors who dont charge exhorbitant fees, I managed to keep mine under £1500, you can also do it yourself but it needs both of you to be in total agreement, as someone said divorce online is just 1 way, Personally i would use a Solicitor just in case something crops up during the Divorce process.

    Good luck with whatever way you choose to go, even when i finally went to the Divorce courts to sign the final papers i had pangs of regret, and a sense of loss, even though their were NO kids involved, and it was my choice to Divorce.

  8. #8
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    My EX and I lived apart for two years, one day divorce papers dropped on the mat so I filled them in job done. Just to add she asked for nothing so got nothing, cost me nothing.

  9. #9
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    Same with me Jonnijon.

    I just accepted all the crap that she'd written about me...which of course must have forced her into the adultery...which WASN'T mentioned.

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks for all the replies, really useful info to use. I do live in the Phils but not a resident and spend my time working overseas.
    I've dropped an e-mail to my lawyer in the uk. Easier to spell lawyer.
    I will give it a try.

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