A rep for who ever gets the most correct
1. Red= B E's H
2. Blue= T the T E
3. Gold= M for C F
4. Red= N N B by N
5. F the Yellow B R to the E C..............Jamie
6. Black B, N of the P E T
7. J Black, S of S of R................Fred
8. Black and W, T's T C
9. Red= C of S G
10. Yellow= a H of G D
11. Blue P, a C's P
12. Pink P, A F S P S..................Fred
13. Red S, C by the I
14. Purple, L C of L and A
15. Green, G G oh H by T J..............Fred
16. C of G at the E of the R.............Fred
17. Blue C, a C with B V's
18. R R to a B..............Lordna & Fred (same time)
19. Purple P, by H E B
20. Blue D, a W by J S S
21. Green= T T D
22. The Red R R C B B B A..............Fred
23. Orang J, a S of V C..............Fred
24. Black S, a C in T I by R L S
25. M Yellow by D................Fred
26. White T, by A A.............Fred
27. L Black D, an E for your W
28. Orange C, C, USA..............Dedworth
29. L in RED, N O for C D B
30. Red S at N, S's D...................Fred
31. White H, H of the A P.............Fred
32. White R, a C in A's A in W
33. P P's Blue P, 1901-4.............Jamie
34. The Blue N's S is L T
35. Blue J, M F in D
36. Green S, the M N for J
37. The Green E of the L Y G.............Fred
38. J F W, S W a Y R
39. Black D, B P
40. Red & Blue, P & W in the N G