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Thread: My Utility Bills in the Philippines

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    Lightbulb My Utility Bills in the Philippines

    It's been 6 months now here in Davao City so I reckon a good enough time to evaluate my 'utility' costs.
    Hope it's useful.

    It looks like our monthly electricity bill has settled down to around a predictable P2000
    Except for a few days recently, which have been relatively cold and cloudy (just like today), these past few weeks have heralded summer and with the mercury rising and we've succumbed to using the aircon in the living area from time to time so I'm guessing the next bill could be anywhere between P2000 and P2500. Especially as we have a house full of kids now (school summer break).

    Our water bill is very low and varies between P300 - P400 per month.
    So that's a fairly predictable cost now.
    The monthly cost of purified drinking water seems to be about around P200 -P300 depending how hot the weather gets.
    I've noticed a bit of a hike in consumption with the kids here now though.

    The 12.4kg gas bottle we bought way back on 29th November for I think P735 needed to be replaced yesterday.
    Oddly we only had to pay P635 for the replacement 12.4kg bottle, so I'm not sure if there was a deposit involved before. I asked the question but didn't get a straight answer. (not too uncommon here)

    I think the 12.4kg bottle holds around 25 litres of LPG. We use the gas solely for cooking.
    I tend to cook quite a lot on the BBQ. The coconut husks I use as 'firelighters' are free and coconut shell charcoal costs me P150 for a 25kg sack. I have a home made 'Charcoal cooker ring' which can be used as an alternative to a gas hob which I've used a few times too.
    We have a regular English style LPG fuelled cooker that has a 4 ring hob and large oven. We rarely use the oven except for English style roasts which I only cook monthly.

    My next project is to build a small Pizza oven that I can also use to bake bread.
    Basically I haven't found any decent Pizza's here.
    Pizza Hut and Shakeys are just OK, but I reckon they're expensive.

    The local S&R Shopping (Philippines version of Costco) do some really big family sized Pizza's for just under P500
    Good value and great taste too.

    I'd still like to build a oven though.

    Most foodstuffs here are cheap and especially at the local markets which on average are half the cost of the supermarkets.

    Toiletries and laundry stuff tend to be quite expensive.

    I'm not running a car so can't comment on the runnings costs.
    My transportation costs are extremely low based on using the jeepneys with use of taxi's when we need for whatever reason.
    Yesterday we took a taxi home from shopping as we had a lot of heavy stuff including 25kg rice.

    My best estimate of total monthly transportation costs would be in the region of P800
    We tend to get out and about pretty much everyday hence that higher amount.
    The best aspect of the jeepney being the ability to hop on and off exactly where you want and when you want.

    Still having fun here

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    It's been 6 months now here in Davao City so I reckon a good enough time to evaluate my 'utility' costs.
    Hope it's useful.

    It looks like our monthly electricity bill has settled down to around a predictable P2000
    Except for a few days recently, which have been relatively cold and cloudy (just like today), these past few weeks have heralded summer and with the mercury rising and we've succumbed to using the aircon in the living area from time to time so I'm guessing the next bill could be anywhere between P2000 and P2500. Especially as we have a house full of kids now (school summer break).

    Our water bill is very low and varies between P300 - P400 per month.
    So that's a fairly predictable cost now.
    The monthly cost of purified drinking water seems to be about around P200 -P300 depending how hot the weather gets.
    I've noticed a bit of a hike in consumption with the kids here now though.

    The 12.4kg gas bottle we bought way back on 29th November for I think P735 needed to be replaced yesterday.
    Oddly we only had to pay P635 for the replacement 12.4kg bottle, so I'm not sure if there was a deposit involved before. I asked the question but didn't get a straight answer. (not too uncommon here)

    I think the 12.4kg bottle holds around 25 litres of LPG. We use the gas solely for cooking.
    I tend to cook quite a lot on the BBQ. The coconut husks I use as 'firelighters' are free and coconut shell charcoal costs me P150 for a 25kg sack. I have a home made 'Charcoal cooker ring' which can be used as an alternative to a gas hob which I've used a few times too.
    We have a regular English style LPG fuelled cooker that has a 4 ring hob and large oven. We rarely use the oven except for English style roasts which I only cook monthly.

    My next project is to build a small Pizza oven that I can also use to bake bread.
    Basically I haven't found any decent Pizza's here.
    Pizza Hut and Shakeys are just OK, but I reckon they're expensive.

    The local S&R Shopping (Philippines version of Costco) do some really big family sized Pizza's for just under P500
    Good value and great taste too.

    I'd still like to build a oven though.

    Most foodstuffs here are cheap and especially at the local markets which on average are half the cost of the supermarkets.

    Toiletries and laundry stuff tend to be quite expensive.

    I'm not running a car so can't comment on the runnings costs.
    My transportation costs are extremely low based on using the jeepneys with use of taxi's when we need for whatever reason.
    Yesterday we took a taxi home from shopping as we had a lot of heavy stuff including 25kg rice.

    My best estimate of total monthly transportation costs would be in the region of P800
    We tend to get out and about pretty much everyday hence that higher amount.
    The best aspect of the jeepney being the ability to hop on and off exactly where you want and when you want.

    Still having fun here
    I recommend you treat yourself to a Shakey's Chefs salad Peter, very yummy!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I thought greenwich pizza was nice, well closest to anything we have in England

  4. #4
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Yes I enjoyed Greenwich pizza. But we found a place in Cebu called Pizza Republic. You walk along an aisle and they build the pizza in front of you. You chose as many toppings as you want for the same price. I was lovely.

    Also love a Jonnies steak hungry and rice

  5. #5
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Bottle gas price is linked to the price of oil.

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    the small grotto house where we lived before the 3 story we are in now, its utility bills were,

    The 12.4kg gas bottle approx 700p for refilled bottle, there was originaly a deposit on the 1st bottle, cant remember how much now,
    the gas lasted then 4 months,
    were we are now we have been using more so lasts now about 2 months,

    electric was around 250p month,
    , water up to 200p month, mostly only used the minimum charge of 120 p month,
    here at the 3 story , water 500p per month, electric p 1000, per month

    some welding has been done includes the 1000

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    we buy pitza bases in gasano, and use our own toppings, favourite sardines in tomato sauce and cheese,

    transport, at first lita would jump on a trycicle or multy cab just for short walking distances, i stopped this when we are together, as walking is better for health

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Our water bill is very low and varies between P300 - P400 per month.
    So that's a fairly predictable cost now.
    The monthly cost of purified drinking water seems to be about around P200 -P300 depending how hot the weather gets.
    I've noticed a bit of a hike in consumption with the kids here now though.
    I've just bunged South East Water £311.19 for 6 months of their Five Star Extra Hard Water

    Greenwich Pizza - I'm with Slip & Cheekee

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Peter.. There is a Filipino inventor that sells fantastic units that burn Palay and produce pure gas for cooking... You just pour the free Palay into the hopper and it will produce free gas all day long.

    Ive even seen these things connected to a petrol generator to produce 220 power..

  10. #10
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    Fascinating stuff...and making me miss being there.

    I've just had a water meter installed, so should be paying a lot less than the comedy direct debit that Yorkshire Water had originally started me on.

  11. #11
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Yellow cab i do enjoy and yes thats a pizza

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Thanks Peter for the costing, every little bit of advice from people living there gose along way to planning our escape

  13. #13
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    The cost of Palay has risen a lot because the cement makers now burn it.

  14. #14
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    I found the weekly shop in a big supermarket over there worked out around the same as here in the Uk

    Electricity prices over there are very expensive

  15. #15
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Electricity prices over there are very expensive
    10p per killiowatt hour in the UK plus an average of 100.00 + Quid a year standing charge.. Not sure how to calculate what the true cost of a KWH in the UK but lets say 12p including the S/C.
    Thats 8 Pesos per KWH.

    We pay around 9.50 Peso per KWH so I cant really see a drastic difference.
    Does that sound right or has my math gone haywire? I wouldn't be surprised!

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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    I found the weekly shop in a big supermarket over there worked out around the same as here in the Uk
    The trick is not to be tempted to try and live a western lifestyle with western type groceries.
    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Most foodstuffs here are cheap and especially at the local markets which on average are half the cost of the supermarkets......

    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    ...Electricity prices over there are very expensive
    I'm not sure how true that is or even it is .
    It surely depends who the supplier is, but without taking any special control measures whatsoever my monthly bill is still only P2000
    (approx GBP30 @ P65/£)

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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    10p per killiowatt hour in the UK plus an average of 100.00 + Quid a year standing charge.. Not sure how to calculate what the true cost of a KWH in the UK but lets say 12p including the S/C.
    Thats 8 Pesos per KWH.

    We pay around 9.50 Peso per KWH so I cant really see a drastic difference.
    Does that sound right or has my math gone haywire? I wouldn't be surprised!
    Our bill for March was P2017
    We used 257 kWh

    That's P7.85 per kWh and already includes a fairly hefty increase for 2015

    Our supplier is Davao Light & Power

  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Our bill for March was P2017
    We used 257 kWh

    That's P7.85 per kWh and already includes a fairly hefty increase for 2015

    Our supplier is Davao Light & Power
    So is that cheaper than your power per KWH in the UK?
    Is this "very expensive power in the R.P" a myth?
    I must say that in Manila it is almost 13 Pesos per KWH so as you say..It depends on the area..Obviously.

  19. #19
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    From what I've seen on my bills and in quotes, electric runs out at around 14-17 pence per kw/hr all-inclusive at the moment in UK.

    Anyone else ?

    Of course this is a much smaller proportion of our average income than it would be for a Filipino.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    So is that cheaper than your power per KWH in the UK?
    I have no idea.
    Based on the info from Graham, and based on the simple facts from my electricity bill, then yes. For me it's cheaper per kWh than in the UK

    But as Graham rightly highlights, as a percentage of income it probably comes out higher.

    The thread was posted to share my costs here versus back in UK. The fact is that I'm paying P2000 per month for my electricity. That's much less than I ever paid in UK
    Personally I'd call that cheap.

    If I was being billed over P6500 (£100) then I think I'd call that expensive for the Philippines.
    I'd be looking to see where all those kWh were getting consumed because it just wouldn't be normal usage. IMO

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    10p per killiowatt hour in the UK plus an average of 100.00 + Quid a year standing charge.. Not sure how to calculate what the true cost of a KWH in the UK but lets say 12p including the S/C.
    Thats 8 Pesos per KWH.

    We pay around 9.50 Peso per KWH so I cant really see a drastic difference.
    Does that sound right or has my math gone haywire? I wouldn't be surprised!
    When i had my condo in Cainta the electricity bill was around 15,000 pesos a month
    We cooked with gas
    no way have i ever used £200 worth of electricity here in the UK its more like £40

  22. #22
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    When i had my condo in Cainta the electricity bill was around 15,000 pesos a month
    We cooked with gas
    no way have i ever used £200 worth of electricity here in the UK its more like £40
    We have tenants that run a 1 HP A/C almost 24 hours a day and their bills are more than half that amount.
    My Bro in law has a huge 3 phase plastic grinder which he grinds tons of scrap plastic in..His last bill was only 18k.
    something in your condo went pear shaped.
    Price per KWH is price per KWH..Seems from what Graham says its more expensive in the UK.
    Our houshold leccky bill is around 2,500 a month average.

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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    When i had my condo in Cainta the electricity bill was around 15,000 pesos a month
    We cooked with gas
    no way have i ever used £200 worth of electricity here in the UK its more like £40
    P15000 per month even at today's rate hike of say P13 for Manila works out at a whopping 1150 kWh
    That's a whole lot more than most families here in the Philippines bring home.
    Certainly getting close to 50 percent of the total income for those in great paid jobs even in Manila

    Let's forget the costing side, let's just look at energy usage.
    Even today that's a lot of energy getting consumed.
    Where on earth did that energy go?
    Was the AC was running flat out 24/7?
    Was there a powerful water heater running?

    How much energy do you consume here in UK? And what are the main factors to account for such differences between the usage in UK and Philippines?

    Putting the consumed monthly 1150 kWh into UK costing terms at today's cost of say 14p per kWh that would cost £161 per month, £483 per quarter, £1932 per year.

    £40 per month UK electricity usage comes out at 285kWh
    Based on that 14p per UK unit.
    P15000 per month even at today's rate hike of say P13 for Manila works out at a whopping 1150 kWh
    That's a whole lot more than most families here in the Philippines bring home.
    Certainly getting close to 50 percent of the total income for those in great paid jobs even in Manila

    Let's forget the costing side, let's just look at energy usage.
    Even today that's a lot of energy getting consumed.
    Where on earth did that energy go?
    Was the AC was running flat out 24/7?
    Was there a powerful water heater running?

    How much energy do you consume here in UK? And what are the main factors to account for such differences between the usage in UK and Philippines?

    Putting the consumed monthly 1150 kWh into UK costing terms at today's cost of say 14p per kWh that would cost £161 per month, £483 per quarter, £1932 per year.

    Based on that 14pence per UK unit then £40 per month equates to 285 kWh per month
    That's not so much higher than my Philippine usage.

    But it's far far away from your 1150 kWh usage.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    When i had my condo in Cainta the electricity bill was around 15,000 pesos a month
    We cooked with gas
    no way have i ever used £200 worth of electricity here in the UK its more like £40
    How? there are only light bulbs and the odd appliance that you may use on a rare occasion, gas and electric here in UK only comes to at most £45 per month!

  25. #25
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    How? there are only light bulbs and the odd appliance that you may use on a rare occasion, gas and electric here in UK only comes to at most £45 per month!

    My combined gas and electric is £200 a month here

  26. #26
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    I am a tight git, but with my 2 children moving back in my bills have gone up a little too, but hey, its still cheap.
    I am with british gas for both gas and electric, i have just got my annual gas bill with what i have used over the year .
    5949 KWH April to April cost £335, last year i used 6161 KWH,
    UNIT RATE is 4.160p
    Standing charge 26.010p per day
    Tariff comparison rate 4.81p

    I am very happy so far with what i have paid plus what i am paying,

  27. #27
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    I am a tight git, but with my 2 children moving back in my bills have gone up a little too, but hey, its still cheap.
    I am with british gas for both gas and electric, i have just got my annual gas bill with what i have used over the year .
    5949 KWH April to April cost £335, last year i used 6161 KWH,
    UNIT RATE is 4.160p
    Standing charge 26.010p per day
    Tariff comparison rate 4.81p

    I am very happy so far with what i have paid plus what i am paying,
    That's how it should be Steve, well done!

  28. #28
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Don't know how much my annual amount is for my Dual fuel because my monthly D/D is £44 but I still have £180 in credit!

  29. #29
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Get that money £180 in credit into your bank account or tell them to reduce your direct debit, why should they make intrest on what is yours, you could buy a nice new lens with that sort of money

  30. #30
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    Did you miss a 1 off the front of that unit rate Steve ?

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