Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
Yes i had 2 air con units running nearly 24/7
It was summer time over there and the condo was like an oven inside
Fans are pretty useless for me they just blow warm air at you
If i did not have aircon at night then for sure i could not sleep
I admire you hardy bunch who can endure that constant heat i cannot
Living in a big posh condo is the same as owning a big flash car...Costs more to run.
Not only that but structures made of concrete are just huge heat sincs..CHB`s are like batteries that store heat which is released all day long and in the evening.
Trying to fight that heat wit A/C power is expensive... 15K expensive!
When Im in Manila,I need the A/C on a lot too.
Our native style home in the province though works in a completely different way...Its cool inside and little need for A/C.