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Thread: Irish Marriage Visa Form Issue...

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Irish Marriage Visa Form Issue...

    Hi all,

    Need some help.

    On a short stay (C) marriage visa to Ireland they expect the person from the non-EU country to return to the country from which they came when the 90 days limit has passed.

    Me (UK citizen) and my Filipina fianceé obviously want her (my fianceé!) to stay beyond that time limit and apply for a residency card because we will one day in the near future want to land on UK shores via the EEA family permit after making Dublin our 'centre of life' for around 6 months via the Surinder Singh route.

    So, when it mentions your intended dates to enter and leave the country on the online visa application form and it also asks you to give a reason on why she would be coming to Ireland and to declare that she would definitely leave after the visa ends and they want you to show that you have strong ties (family/work etc.) back in the Philippines so that you will definitely return there!...

    ...well, can anyone help us know how to word things as honestly as possible so that the visa officer understands that we would actually wanting to be residents in Ireland without them rejected her visa?

    Hopefully you'll understand because I'm having trouble wording my question!

    If I've missed something and you're not catching my drift then please let me know. Really need to get this sorted so we can progress as we have a provisional booking for the 23rd September to get married in Dublin 2's registry office!!!


  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    By the way, here's the link to the online application...

    If you can just take a look at it and the things I've mentioned in my question appear on the first page of the application. You need to tick the box at the bottom of the page where it says before it begins the process...

    I have read the above information and all the relevant guidance notes contained in all of the above links.

    Thanks :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hi Romans81,

    I believe you may misunderstand the process if your intention is to follow an EEA route to UK.

    Under EU regulations Fiancee is not normally considered as a family member.

    Please do take some time to review this link here review this link here for the Irish Government Policy on Non-EEA Family Reunification.

    The reason for your questions is due to you ticking the boxes for a short term visit visa.

    Hope the link will help you?

    Are you resident in Ireland ?
    I take it you are UK citizen with no Irish Passport ? and have employment in Ireland ?

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