Originally posted by dave65@Jan 25 2006, 09:15 AM
I had an update through about the requirements for having the wedding all arranged and booked up in england before the fiancee visa would be granted
...my young lady has always said she would like to marry in the phillippines
so i am not sure how this affects the granting of a visa for her to come back to the uk do we need some sort of english marriage sevice arranged as well
anyone know the position on this please
I think what you are referring to is that as a condition of applying for a Fiancee visa at the British Embassy in Manila, the wedding must be pre-booked (in the UK) and the information about the date and place must be supplied when making an application.

There really is no need to do both a wedding here in UK and Philippines - Elsa and I married in a civil office ceremony in Palo, and it was good enough for the visa application. I'm sure others will tell you, do the wedding in Philippines, it will be a lot less hassle when it comes to applying for the settlement visa - you wont need a fiancee visa and the many strings and conditions, etc.