Originally posted by dave65@Jan 25 2006, 09:15 AM
I had an update through about the requirements for having the wedding all arranged and booked up in england before the fiancee visa would be granted
...my young lady has always said she would like to marry in the phillippines
so i am not sure how this affects the granting of a visa for her to come back to the uk do we need some sort of english marriage sevice arranged as well
anyone know the position on this please
Where did you get this update from, there's no mention of it on their site?

But there is some new info on applying:

"Applying for a Visa in the Philippines

Applying for a Visa in the Philippines

In order to apply for a visa in the Philippines, you need to contact the UK Visa Application Collection Service (UKVACS) or visit their office.

With effect from Monday, 23 January 2006, ALL visa applications to the British Embassy Manila will now be processed by TT Services Philippines Inc.. All applications have to be made using UKVACS.

All visa applications will initially be assessed on paper at the Embassy. A decision may then be made or an applicant may be called in for an interview.

The UKVACS number is: (02) 751 – 3750 or you may email them at support@ttspi.com.ph (UK VACS Email Address)

The UKVACS Call Centre is available from Monday to Friday 0800-2200 and Saturday 0800-1600. Recorded information is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The UKVACS Call Centre number is available to callers outside the Philippines."